1BP: Karmarkar-Karp algorithm (broken)


  1. Bin packing and Knapsack
  2. 1BP: ⌈size(I)⌉ ≤ opt(I)
  3. 1BP: extending by small items
  4. 1BP: NextFit(S) ≤ ⌈2size(S)⌉
  5. Bin packing: configuration LP
  6. 1BP: FPTAS for config LP
  7. Bin packing: config LP is not affected by grouping identical items
  8. Bin packing: config LP of predecessor
  9. 1BP: harmonic grouping
  10. 1BP: size(I) ≤ lin(I)

The Karmarkar-Karp algorithm is a polynomial-time algorithm for 1D bin packing.

Its output's cost is at most $\lin(I) + O(\log^2(\Size(I)))$. This makes it achieve an additive approximation of $O(\log^2(\Opt(I)))$.


Let $I$ be a bin packing instance with $m$ distinct items. Let there be $b_i$ items of type $I$. Call $b$ the item frequency vector of $I$. Let $L$ be the config LP, let $T$ be the configuration matrix and let $N$ be the number of configurations. Let $\delta = 1 / \Size(I)$.

Algorithm $\operatorname{large-bin-pack}(I)$:

Algorithm $\operatorname{bin-pack}(I)$:

Correctness, running time and approximation

Since an FPTAS exists for the configuration LP, we can obtain a feasible solution to the configuration LP of objective value at most $\lin(I) + 1$.

Let there be $t$ invocations of large-bin-pack where $\Size(I) \ge 10$.

Cost of integral packing

Items of type $i$ that we want to pack as per $\floor{x}$ is \[ \sum_{j=1}^N T[i, j]\floor{x_j} = (T\floor{x})_i \] Since there are only $b_i$ items of type $i$, we will pack $\min((T\floor{x})_i, b_i)$ items. Since $(T\floor{x})_i \ge \min((T\floor{x})_i, b_i)$, $\floor{x}$ is a feasible solution to $\LP(I_1)$.

When $(T\floor{x})_i \ge b_i$, $I_2$ has 0 items of type $i$. So $x - \floor{x}$ satisfies the $i^{\textrm{th}}$ constraint of $\LP(I_2)$. When $(T\floor{x})_i \le b_i$, $I_2$ has $b_i - (T\floor{x})_i$ items. \[ (T(x-\floor{x}))_i = (Tx)_i - (T\floor{x})_i \ge b_i - (T\floor{x})_i \] So $x - \floor{x}$ satisfies the $i^{\textrm{th}}$ constraint of $\LP(I_2)$. Therefore, $x - \floor{x}$ is a feasible solution to $\LP(I_2)$.

\begin{align} \Sum(\floor{x}) &\le \Sum(x) - \lin(I_2) \tag{$x - \floor{x}$ is feasible for $\LP(I_2)$} \\ &\le (\lin(I') + \delta) - \lin(I_2) \tag{$x$ is approx optimal for $\LP(I')$} \\ &\le \lin(I) - \lin(I_2) + \delta \tag{$I' \preceq I$} \end{align}

It looks like we have assumed that we can solve the configuration LP of $I$ exactly. We should fix this.

$I_2$ in a certain invocation of large-bin-pack becomes $I$ in the next invocation. This implies that the cost of packing items as per $\floor{x}$ over all invocations of large-bin-pack is at most $\lin(I) + t\delta \le \Opt(I) + t\delta$.

Cost of packing discards

As per harmonic grouping, \[ \Size(J) \le 3\ln\left(\frac{3}{\min(J)}\right)+\frac{9}{2} \le 3\ln\left(\frac{3}{\delta}\right) + \frac{9}{2} \] The cost of packing items from $J$ over all invocations of large-bin-pack is \[ \le \sum_{i=1}^t (2\Size(J^{(i)})+1) \le t\left(6\ln\left(\frac{3}{\delta}\right) + 10\right) \]

Let $m(I')$ be the number of distinct items in $I'$. By the properties of harmonic grouping, $m(I') \le \Size(I')/2 - 1$. Since the config LP for $I'$ has $m(I')$ constraints, $x$ has at most $m(I')$ non-zero entries.

\begin{align} & \Size(I_2) \le \lin(I_2) \le \Sum(x - \floor{x}) \le |\{j: x_j > 0\}| \\ &\le m(I') \le \Size(I') / 2 - 1 \le \Size(I) / 2 \end{align} Since $\Size(I)$ reduces by at least half in each invocation, \[ t \le \floor{\lg\left(\frac{\Size(I)}{10}\right)} + 1 \]

Therefore, cost of packing discards over all invocations of large-bin-pack is at most \[ \left(\lg\frac{\Size(I)}{10}+2\right) \left(6\ln(3\Size(I)) + 10\right) \in O(\lg^2\Size(I)) \subseteq O(\lg^2\Opt(I)) \]

Running time and total cost

There are $O(\lg(\Size(I))) \subseteq O(\lg(n))$ iterations and each iteration takes polynomial time, since harmonic grouping, Next-Fit and solving the config LP can be done in polynomial time.

The cost of packing in the base case ($\Size(I) < 10$) is at most 21. The cost of integral packing is $\Opt(I) + O\left(\frac{\lg(\Size(I))}{\Size(I)}\right)$. The cost of packing discards is $O(\lg^2(\Opt(I)))$. Therefore, total cost of packing is at most $\Opt(I) + O(\lg^2(\Opt(I)))$.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /optimization/lin-func-is-max-at-extreme-point-of-polytope
  2. /bounds/upper-exp-bound
  3. Bin packing and Knapsack
  4. 1BP: ⌈size(I)⌉ ≤ opt(I)
  5. 1BP: NextFit(S) ≤ ⌈2size(S)⌉
  6. Pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for 1D knapsack
  7. FPTAS for 1D knapsack
  8. 1BP: extending by small items
  9. Bin packing: configuration LP
  10. 1BP: size(I) ≤ lin(I)
  11. Bin packing: config LP is not affected by grouping identical items
  12. Bin packing: union of input instances
  13. Bin packing: predecessor of an input instance
  14. Bin packing: config LP of predecessor
  15. Group
  16. Ring
  17. Semiring
  18. Matrix
  19. Integration bound
  20. Bound on log
  21. Approximation algorithm for covering LPs
  22. BP: α(1+ε)-approx solution to config LP using α-approx algorithm for knapsack
  23. 1BP: FPTAS for config LP
  24. Simple bound on harmonic sum
  25. Harmonic bound for fraction
  26. Bound on k extreme values
  27. 1BP: harmonic grouping