Bin packing: config LP of predecessor
$\newcommand{\defeq}{:=}$ $\newcommand{\opt}{\operatorname{opt}}$ $\newcommand{\lin}{\operatorname{lin}}$ $\newcommand{\LP}{\operatorname{LP}}$ $\newcommand{\Sum}{\operatorname{sum}}$ $\newcommand{\One}{\mathbb{1}}$ $\newcommand{\Ccal}{\mathcal{C}}$ $\newcommand{\Scal}{\mathcal{S}}$ $\newcommand{\Th}{^{\textrm{th}}}$ Let $I$ and $J$ be bin packing instances such that $I \preceq J$.
Then $\lin(I) \le \lin(J)$.
($\lin$ is a well-defined function, since optimal objective value of the configuration linear program doesn't depend on how items are grouped into types).
Proof for subset
Let $I \subseteq J$. Let $\Ccal$ be the configurations of $I$ and $\Scal$ be the configurations of $J$. Define $\sigma(S) \defeq S \cap I$. Define $\sigma^{-1}(C) \defeq \{S \in \Scal: \sigma(S) = C\}$.
The configuration LP of $J$ is: \[ \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^{|\Scal|}} \Sum(x) \quad \textrm{where}\quad \sum_{S \ni i} x_S \ge 1 \quad \forall i \in J. \] Let $x$ be an optimal solution to $\LP(J)$. Let $y_C \defeq \sum_{S \in \sigma^{-1}(C)} x_S$. Then $\Sum(y) = \Sum(x)$ and for each $i \in I$, we get \[ \sum_{C \ni i} y_C = \sum_{C \in \Ccal} \One(i \in C)\sum{S \in \sigma^{-1}(C)} x_S = \sum_{S \in \Scal} \One(i \in S)x_S \ge 1. \] Therefore, $y$ is feasible for $\LP(I)$. Hence, $\opt(\LP(I)) \le \Sum(y) = \Sum(x) = \opt(\LP(J))$.
Proof for $|I| = |J|$
Let $\sigma: I \mapsto J$ be a bijection from $I$ to $J$ such that $i \le \sigma(i)$. $\sigma$ exists because $I \preceq J$ and $|I| = |J|$. Let $\Ccal$ be the configurations of $I$ and $\Scal$ be the configurations of $J$. Define $\sigma: 2^I \mapsto 2^J$ as $\sigma(C) \defeq \{\sigma(i): i \in C\}$. Define $\sigma^{-1}(S) \defeq \{\sigma^{-1}(j): j \in S\}$. If $S$ is a configuration, then $\sigma^{-1}(S)$ is also a configuration.
The configuration LP of $J$ is: \[ \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^{|\Scal|}} \Sum(x) \quad \textrm{where}\quad \sum_{S \ni i} x_S \ge 1 \quad \forall i \in J. \] Let $x$ be an optimal solution to $\LP(J)$. Define $y$ as \[ y_C \defeq \begin{cases} x_{\sigma(C)} & \sigma(C) \in \Scal \\ 0 & \sigma(C) \not\in \Scal \end{cases}. \] \[ \Sum(y) = \sum_{C \in \Ccal} y_C = \sum_{S \in \Scal} x_S = \Sum(x). \] For each $i \in I$, we get \[ \sum_{C \in \Ccal} \One(i \in C)y_C = \sum_{S \in \Scal} \One(i \in S)x_S \ge 1. \] Therefore, $y$ is feasible for $\LP(I)$. Hence, $\opt(\LP(I)) \le \Sum(y) = \Sum(x) = \opt(\LP(J))$.
General proof
The proof for the general case can be obtained by combining the above two special cases ($I \subseteq J$ and $|I| = |J|$).
Dependency for:
- Depth: 2
- Number of transitive dependencies: 3