Bin packing: predecessor of an input instance


  1. Bin packing and Knapsack

In the context of bin packing or knapsack, let $i$ and $j$ be two items. Then $i$ is said to be a predecessor of $j$ (written as $i \preceq j$) iff for any packing of items into a bin, we can replace $j$ in the packing by $i$ and the resulting packing is still valid. For classical packing, $i \preceq j \iff \Size(i) \le \Size(j)$.

Let $I$ and $J$ be bin packing instances. $I$ is said to be a predecessor of $J$ (written as $I \preceq J$) or equivalently $J$ is said to be a successor of $I$ iff there is a mapping $\sigma: I \mapsto J$ such that

Any packing of $J$ gives a packing of $I$: just pack every $i \in I$ wherever $\sigma(i)$ is packed in the packing of $J$. Therefore, $\opt(I) \le \opt(J)$.

For classical packing, $I \preceq J \implies \Size(I) \le \Size(J)$.

Dependency for:

  1. Bin packing: config LP of predecessor
  2. 1BP: APTAS
  3. 1BP: harmonic grouping
  4. 1BP: linear grouping


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Bin packing and Knapsack