Bin packing: configuration LP


  1. Bin packing and Knapsack

Let $I$ be a bin packing instance with $n$ items such that there are $m$ types of items, and all items of the same type are identical. Let $b_i$ be the number of items of type $i$.

Define a configuration as a subset of items of $I$ that can fit in 1 bin. A configuration can be represented as an $m$-tuple $(t_1, \ldots, t_m)$. Here $t_i$ is the number of items of type $i$ in the bin.

Let $\Ccal$ be the set of all configurations. Let $N = |\Ccal|$. Number the configurations from 1 to $N$. Let $T$ be an $m$ by $N$ matrix such that $T[i, j]$ is the number of items of type $i$ in the $j\Th$ configuration. $T$ is called the configuration matrix. (If $C$ is the $j\Th$ configuration, sometimes we write $T[i, C]$ instead of $T[i, j]$.)

Then the linear program \[ \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^N} \operatorname{sum}(x) \textrm{ where } Tx \ge b, x \ge 0 \] is called the configuration LP of $I$. When $x$ is integral, $(Tx)_i$ is the total number of items of type $i$ in the packing $x$. Hence, the constraint $Tx \ge b$ implies that $x$ should contain all items. The optimal integer solution to the configuration LP gives us the best bin packing. The optimal objective value of the real-valued relaxation of this LP is denoted by $\lin(I)$. Hence, $\lin(I) \le \opt(I)$.

When all items have different types ($m = n, b_i = 1$), we get this LP: \begin{align} \min_x & \sum_{C \in \Ccal} x_C \\ \textrm{ where } & \sum_{C \ni i} x_C \ge 1, \forall i \in [n] \\ & x \ge 0 \end{align}

We will get different LPs depending on which items are declared to be of the same type. However, we can prove that these LPs have the same optimal objective value.

Dependency for:

  1. Bin packing: removing density restriction from config LP
  2. Bin packing: dual of config LP
  3. Bin packing: config LP of predecessor
  4. BP: α(1+ε)-approx solution to config LP using α-approx algorithm for knapsack
  5. Bin packing: config LP is not affected by grouping identical items
  6. Bin packing: density-restricted config LP
  7. 1BP: size(I) ≤ lin(I)
  8. 1BP: FPTAS for config LP
  9. 1BP: Karmarkar-Karp algorithm (broken)


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Bin packing and Knapsack