1BP: harmonic grouping


  1. Bin packing and Knapsack
  2. Bin packing: predecessor of an input instance
  3. Bin packing: union of input instances
  4. Harmonic bound for fraction
  5. Simple bound on harmonic sum
  6. Bound on k extreme values

Let $I$ be an input instance for 1D bin packing $\newcommand{\Size}{\operatorname{size}}$ such that $\Size(I) - \min(I) \ge 2$.

The harmonic grouping scheme is an algorithm that first splits $I$ into disjoint instances $I'$ and $I_2$ such that $\Size(I_2) \le 3\ln(\frac{3}{\min(I)}) + \frac{9}{2}$. It then increases the item sizes in $I'$ to get $I_1$ such that $I_1$ has at most $\Size(I)/2-1$ distinct item-sizes. The algorithm outputs $(I_1, I_2)$.

It can be proven that $I_1 \preceq I \preceq I_1 + I_2$.

This algorithm runs in $O(n\lg n)$ time.

Algorithm and proof of correctness

The harmonic grouping scheme first orders the items in non-increasing order of size. It iteratively puts items into a group till the size of the group exceeds 2. Then it closes that group and opens a new group for the next pieces. Suppose $t$ such groups are created. Let $G_i$ be the $i^{\textrm{th}}$ group. Let $n_i$ be the number of items in $G_i$.

Let $H_1 = G_1$ and $H_t = G_t$. For $i \in \{2, 3, \ldots, t-1\}$, let $H_i$ be the last $n_i - n_{i-1}$ items in $G_i$ and let $G_i'$ be the first $n_{i-1}$ items from $G_i$ with sizes raised to $\max(G_i)$. Then $G_{i+1}' \preceq G_i \preceq G_i' + H_i$.

Let $I_2 = \sum_{i=1}^t H_i$ and $I_1 = \sum_{i=2}^{t-1} G_i'$. \[ I_1 = \sum_{i=2}^{t-1} G_i' \preceq \sum_{i=1}^{t-2} G_i \preceq I \] \[ I_1 + I_2 = G_1 + \sum_{i=2}^{t-1} (G_i' + H_i) + G_t \succeq I \] Therefore, $I_1 \preceq I \preceq I_1 + I_2$.

All items in $G_i'$ have the same size so $I_1$ has $t-2$ distinct items. \[ \Size(I) = \sum_{i=1}^{t} \Size(G_i) \ge 2(t-1) \implies t-2 \le \Size(I)/2 -1 \]

\[ n_{t-1} \le \frac{\Size(G_{t-1})}{\min(G_{t-1})} \le \frac{3}{\min(I)} \] For $2 \le i \le t-1$, \[ \Size(H_i) \le 3\frac{n_i - n_{i-1}}{n_i} \tag{$H_i$ has $n_i - n_{i-1}$ smallest items} \] \begin{align} \Size(I_2) &= \sum_{i=1}^t \Size(H_i) \\ &\le 6 + 3\sum_{i=2}^{t-2} \frac{n_i - n_{i-1}}{n_i} \\ &\le 6 + 3\sum_{i=2}^{t-2} (H(n_i) - H(n_{i-1})) \tag{harmonic bound on fraction} \\ &= 6 + 3(H(n_{t-1}) - H(n_1)) \\ &\le 3H(n_{t-1}) + \frac{3}{2} \tag{$n_1 \ge 2$} \\ &\le 3\ln(n_{t-1}) + \frac{9}{2} \tag{$H(n) \le \ln(n) + 1$} \\ &\le 3\ln\left(\frac{3}{\min(I)}\right) + \frac{9}{2} \end{align}

Dependency for:

  1. 1BP: Karmarkar-Karp algorithm (broken)


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Bin packing and Knapsack
  2. Bin packing: union of input instances
  3. Bin packing: predecessor of an input instance
  4. Integration bound
  5. Simple bound on harmonic sum
  6. Harmonic bound for fraction
  7. Bound on k extreme values