Bin packing: config LP is not affected by grouping identical items


  1. Bin packing: configuration LP

The optimal objective value of the configuration LP of a bin packing instance doesn't depend on how identical items are grouped into types.

Formally, let $I$ be a bin packing instance with $n$ items such that there are $m$ types of items, and all items of the same type are identical. Let $b_i$ be the number of items of type $i$. Let $f: [n] \mapsto [m]$ be a function that takes an item $i$ and returns its type. For an item of type $i$, define $f^{-1}(i) \defeq \{j \in I: f(j) = i\}$ i.e., $f^{-1}(i)$ is the set of items whose type is $i$.

An expanded configuration $C$ is an $n$-tuple $(r_1, \ldots, r_n) \in \{0, 1\}^n$, where the items $\{i \in I: r_i = 1\}$ can fit into a bin. For an $n$-tuple $C$, define $f(C) \defeq (t_1, \ldots, t_m)$, where $t_i \defeq \sum_{j \in f^{-1}(i)} r_i$. $f(C)$ is called the compact version of $C$. Let $\Ccal$ be the set of all expanded configurations and $f(\Ccal) = \{f(C): C \in \Ccal\}$ be the set of all compact configurations. Note that a compact representation can correspond to multiple expanded representations. Let $N \defeq |\Ccal|$ and $N' \defeq |f(\Ccal)|$. Let $T \in \{0, 1\}^{n \times N}$ be the expanded configuration matrix of $I$, i.e., $T[i, C] = 1$ if expanded configuration $C$ contains item $i$. Let $f(T) \in \mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}^{m \times N'}$ be the compact configuration matrix of $I$, i.e., $f(T)[i, C]$ is the number of items of type $i$ in compact configuration $C$.

Then the following two linear programs, called the expanded configuration LP (denoted by $\LP$) and the compact configuration LP (denoted by $\fLP$) have the same optimal objective value: \[ \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^N} \Sum(x) \textrm{ where } Tx \ge b, x \ge 0. \] \[ \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^{N'}} \Sum(x) \textrm{ where } f(T)x \ge \mathbf{1}, x \ge 0. \]

Proof that $\opt(\fLP) \le \opt(\LP)$

Let $x \in [0, 1]^N$ be an optimal solution to $\LP$.

For a compact configuration $C$, define $f^{-1}(C) \defeq \{D \in \Ccal: f(D) = C\}$ and define $y_C \defeq \sum_{D \in f^{-1}(C)} x_D$. Then for the vector $y \defeq [y_C: y \in f(\Ccal)]$, we have $\Sum(y) = \Sum(x) = \opt(\LP)$. We will prove that $y$ is a feasible solution to $\fLP$, which would imply that $\opt(\fLP) \le \Sum(y) = \opt(\LP)$.

Let $A \in \mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}^{m \times N}$ where $A[i, D]$ is the number of items of type $i$ in expanded configuration $D$. Then $f(T)[i, f(D)] = A[i, D] = \sum_{j \in f^{-1}(i)} T[j, D]$.

For any $i \in [m]$, we get \begin{align} (f(T)y)_i &= \sum_{C \in f(\Ccal)} f(T)[i, C]y_C \\ &= \sum_{C \in f(\Ccal)} \sum_{D \in f^{-1}(C)} f(T)[i, C]x_D \\ &= \sum_{D \in \Ccal} A[i, D]x_D \\ &= \sum_{j \in f^{-1}(i)} \sum_{D \in \Ccal} T[j, D]x_D \\ &\ge \sum_{j \in f^{-1}(i)} 1 = b_i. \end{align} Hence, $f(T)y \ge b$, so $y$ is feasible for $\fLP$.

Proof that $\opt(\LP) \le \opt(\fLP)$

Without loss of generality, assume $b_i \ge 1$ for each $i \in [m]$. We will show how to convert $\fLP$ to $\LP$ by gradually increasing the number of types.

Let $f$ be the function that gives the type of each item. Let $\{i_1, i_2, \ldots, i_{b_m}\}$ be items of type $m$. Without loss of generality, assume $b_m \ge 2$. We'll pick an item of type $m$ and change its type to $m+1$. Formally, define $f': [n] \mapsto [m+1]$ be defined as \[ f'(i) = \begin{cases} f(i) & f(i) \neq m \\ m & f(i) = m & i \neq i_{b_m} \\ m + 1 & f(i) = m & i = i_{b_m} \end{cases}. \]

Let $x$ be an optimal solution to $\fLP$. For $C \in f(\Ccal)$, let $g(C) \defeq \{f'(D): D \in f^{-1}(C)\}$. Note that for any $C \in f(\Ccal)$, we have $1 \le |g(C)| \le 2$. We will define a vector $y$, and show that it's a solution to $f'(\LP)$. We will also show that for any $C \in f(\Ccal)$, $\sum_{D \in g(C)} y_D = x_C$. This will imply $\opt(f'(\LP)) \le \Sum(y) = \Sum(x) = \opt(\fLP)$.

Let $i \le m-1$ and $D \in g(C)$. Then $f'(T)[i, D] = f(T)[i, C]$. Hence, \begin{align} (f'(T)y)_i &= \sum_{D \in f'(\Ccal)} f'(T)[i, D]y_D \\ &= \sum_{C \in f(\Ccal)} \sum_{D \in g(C)} f'(T)[i, D]y_D \\ &= \sum_{C \in f(\Ccal)} f(T)[i, C] \sum_{D \in g(C)} y_D \\ &= \sum_{C \in f(\Ccal)} f(T)[i, C] x_C \\ &= (f(T)x)_i \ge 1. \end{align} Therefore, $y$ satisfies the first $m-1$ constraints of $f'(\LP)$.

Let $\Scal \defeq \{C \in f(\Ccal): f(T)[m, C] \ge 1\}$, i.e, $\Scal$ is the set of configurations containing at least one item of type $m$. Order the configurations in $\Scal$ in decreasing order of number of items of type $m$ ($f(T)[m, C]$). Let $C_1, C_2, \ldots, C_p$ be the resulting configurations. We know that $f(T)[m, C] \le b_m$, so \begin{align} & b_m \le \sum_{C \in f(\Ccal)} f(T)[m, C] x_C \le \sum_{j=1}^p b_m x_{C_j} \\ &\implies \sum_{j=1}^p x_{C_j} \ge 1. \end{align} Let $k$ be the smallest number such that $\sum_{j=1}^{k} x_{C_j} \ge 1$. Let $k'$ be the largest number such that $f(T)[m, C_j] = b_m$.

Case 1: $k \le k'$: Let \[ y_D \defeq \begin{cases} x_{C_j} & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j \le k' \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 1 \\ 0 & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j \le k' \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0 \\ 0 & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j > k' \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 1 \\ x_{C_j} & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j > k' \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0 \\ x_C & D \in g(C) \textrm{ and } C \not\in \Scal \end{cases}. \] When $j > k'$, $\exists D \in g(C_j)$ such that $f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0$. This implies that for any $C \in f(\Ccal)$, we have $\sum_{D \in g(C)} y_D = x_C$.

\begin{align} (f'(T)y)_{m+1} &= \sum_{D \in f'(\Ccal)} f'(T)[m, D]y_D \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^{k'} x_{C_j} \\ &\ge \sum_{j=1}^{k} x_{C_j} \\ &\ge 1. \end{align} For $C \in \Scal$, let $g_1(C)$ be the unique configuration $D \in g(C)$ such that $f'(T)[m+1, D] = 1$. Then \begin{align} (f'(T)y)_m &= \sum_{D \in f'(\Ccal)} f'(T)[m, D]y_D \\ &\ge \sum_{j=1}^{k'} f'(T)[m, g_1(C_j)]x_{C_j} \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^{k'} (b_m-1)x_{C_j} \\ &\ge (b_m-1) \sum_{j=1}^{k} x_{C_j} \\ &\ge (b_m-1). \end{align} Therefore, $y$ is feasible for $f'(\LP)$.

Case 2: $k > k'$: Hence, $f(T)[m, C_{k}] \le b_m - 1$. \[ y_D \defeq \begin{cases} x_{C_j} & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j < k \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 1 \\ 0 & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j < k \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0 \\ 1 - \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} x_{C_j} & D \in g(C_{k}) \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 1 \\ x_{C_{k}} - 1 + \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} x_{C_j} & D \in g(C_{k}) \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0 \\ 0 & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j > k \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 1 \\ x_{C_j} & D \in g(C_j) \textrm{ and } j > k \textrm{ and } f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0 \\ x_C & D \in g(C) \textrm{ and } C \not\in \Scal \end{cases}. \] When $j \ge k > k'$, $\exists D \in g(C_j)$ such that $f'(T)[m+1, D] = 0$. This implies that for any $C \in f(\Ccal)$, we have $\sum_{D \in g(C)} y_D = x_C$.

\[ (f'(T)y)_{m+1} = \sum_{D \in f'(\Ccal)} f'(T)[m, D]y_D = 1. \] Let $n_j \defeq f(T)[m, C_j]$ and $z_j \defeq x_{C_j}$. Then \begin{align} (f'(T)y)_m &= \sum_{D \in f'(\Ccal)} f'(T)[m, D]y_D \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} (n_j-1)z_j + (n_k-1)\left(1 - \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} z_j\right) + n_k\left(z_k - 1 + \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} z_j \right) + \sum_{j=k+1}^p n_jz_j \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^p n_jz_j - 1 \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^p f(T)[m, C_j]x_{C_j} - 1 \\ &= (f(T)x)_m - 1 \\ &\ge b_m - 1. \end{align} Therefore, $y$ is feasible for $f'(\LP)$.

Dependency for:

  1. 1BP: Karmarkar-Karp algorithm (broken)


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Bin packing and Knapsack
  2. Bin packing: configuration LP