2D BP: APTAS for config LP


  1. Geometric packing problems (BP, KS, SP) and rvol
  2. NFDH: area of adjacent bins
  3. PTAS for 2D geometric density-restricted knapsack
  4. Bin packing: density-restricted config LP
  5. BP: α(1+ε)-approx solution to density-restricted config LP using α-approx algorithm for density-restricted knapsack
  6. Bin packing: removing density restriction from config LP

Let $I$ be a 2D geometric bin packing instance with $n$ items such that there are $m$ types of items, and all items of the same type are identical. Let $b_i$ be the number of items of type $i$. Let $A$ be the configuration matrix of $I$.

Let $v^*$ be the optimal objective value of the configuration LP. Then for any $\eps > 0$, we can obtain in polynomial time a feasible solution to the configuration LP of objective value at most $(1+\eps)v^* + 4$.


Let $g = \rvol$ and $\lambda = 4$. Let $P$ be the NFDH algorithm and $Q$ be a PTAS for density-restricted 2D geometric knapsack. For any $X \subseteq I$, if $\rvol(I) \le 1/\lambda = 1/4$, then $P$ can pack $X$ into at most $c = 2$ bins. Then the $(g, \lambda)$-density-restricted configuration LP of $I$ can be approximately solved in polynomial time using $P$ and $Q$. We can then use NFDH to remove the density restriction.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /optimization/lin-func-is-max-at-extreme-point-of-polytope
  2. /bounds/upper-exp-bound
  3. Bin packing and Knapsack
  4. Geometric packing problems (BP, KS, SP) and rvol
  5. NFDH algorithm
  6. NFDH: area of adjacent bins
  7. 2D BP: NFDH for small items
  8. PTAS for 2D geometric density-restricted knapsack
  9. Bin packing: configuration LP
  10. Bin packing: density-restricted config LP
  11. Bin packing: removing density restriction from config LP
  12. Group
  13. Ring
  14. Semiring
  15. Matrix
  16. Stacking
  17. Product of stacked matrices
  18. Bound on log
  19. Approximation algorithm for covering LPs
  20. BP: α(1+ε)-approx solution to density-restricted config LP using α-approx algorithm for density-restricted knapsack