BP: α(1+ε)-approx solution to density-restricted config LP using α-approx algorithm for density-restricted knapsack


  1. Bin packing and Knapsack
  2. Bin packing: density-restricted config LP
  3. Approximation algorithm for covering LPs
  4. Stacking
  5. Product of stacked matrices

(Original work by Eklavya Sharma and K.V.N. Sreenivas)

Let $I$ be a bin packing instance with $n$ items such that there are $m$ types of items, and all items of the same type are identical. Let $b_i$ be the number of items of type $i$. Let $A$ be the configuration matrix of $I$.

Let $g: I \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ be a function. For a set $X$ of items, define $g(X) = \sum_{i \in X} g(i)$. Let $\beta$ be a constant such that if a set $X$ of items can fit in a bin, then $g(X) \le \beta$. Let $\lambda$ be a positive real number. Let $P$ be an algorithm that can pack a set $X \subseteq I$ of items into $c$ bins if $g(X) \le 1/c$.

For the knapsack problem, the density of an item $i$ is given by $p(i)/g(i)$. Here $p(i)$ is the profit of item $i$. The $(g, \sigma)$-density-restricted knapsack problem is like the knapsack problem, except that we are promised that for each item, the ratio of the maximum density to the minimum density is upper-bounded by a constant $\sigma$. Let $Q$ be an $\eta$-approx algorithm for the $(g, \sigma)$-density-restricted knapsack problem ($\eta \le 1$) that runs in time $T(m, n)$ for any constant $\sigma$.

Let $v^*$ be the optimal objective value of the $(g, \lambda)$-density-restricted configuration LP of $I$. For any $\eps > 0$, we can find a solution to the density-restricted configuration LP of $I$ of objective value at most \[ \frac{1+\eps}{\eta}v^* + c \] in time \[ O\left( \frac{m^2n}{\eta\eps^3} \log\left(\frac{n}{\eps\eta}\right)^3 T(m, n)\right). \]


Lemma 1: Let $r^*$ be the optimal objective value of the $(g, \lambda)$-density-restricted configuration LP of $I$. Then \[ \min\left(1, \lambda\max_{i=1}^m g(i)b_i\right) \le r^* \le n\min\left(1, \lambda\max_{i=1}^m g(i)b_i\right) \]

Proof. Let $k \in [m]$ such that $b_k > 0$. Let $(x^*, y^*)$ be the optimal solution to the $(g, \lambda)$-density-restricted configuration LP of $I$. Then \begin{align} & \min\left(1, \lambda g(k)b_k\right) \\ &= \min\left(\frac{1}{b_k}, \lambda g(k)\right)b_k \\ &\le \min\left(\frac{1}{b_k}, \lambda g(k)\right) \left(y_k^* + \sum_C A[k, C]x_C^*\right) \\ &\le \lambda g(k)y_k^* + \sum_C x_C^* \le r^* \end{align} Therefore, \[ \min\left(1, \lambda \max_{i=1}^m g(i)b_i\right) \le r^* \]

Configurations that contain only a single item are called singleton configurations. Let $\xhat_C = 0$ when $C$ is not a singleton configuration and $\xhat_C = b_i$ when $C$ is a singleton configuration of item type $i$. Then $(\xhat, 0)$ is a feasible solution to the density-restricted configuration LP and has objective value $n$.

Let $\yhat_i = b_i$. Then $(0, \yhat)$ is a feasible solution to the density-restricted configuration LP and has objective value $\lambda \sum_{i=1}^m g(i)b_i$. Therefore, \[ r^* \le \min\left(n, \lambda \sum_{i=1}^m g(i)b_i\right) \le n\min\left(1, \lambda\max_{i=1}^m g(i)b_i\right) \tag*{□} \]

Very small items can cause problems, so we'll get rid of them. An item of type $i$ is called small iff $g(i) \le 1/(\lambda m b_i)$. Let $I_S$ be the set of small items. Let $I_L \defeq I - I_S$.

Lemma 2: Let $(x^{(L)}, y^{(L)})$ be a solution to the density-restricted configuration LP of $I_L$ having objective value $v$. Then we can obtain a feasible solution to the density-restricted configuration LP of $I$ of objective value at most $v + c$.

Proof. Observe that $g(I_S) \le 1/\lambda$. So $P$ can pack $I_S$ into at most $c$ bins.

Let $\Ccal$ be the set of all configurations of $I$. Let $\Ccal_L \subseteq \Ccal$ be the configurations that only contain items from $I_L$. Let $\Ccal_S \subseteq \Ccal$ be the configurations that only contain items from $I_S$. Let $\Ccal' \subseteq \Ccal$ be the configurations that contain items from both $I_L$ and $I_S$. Hence, $\Ccal = \Ccal_L \cup \Ccal_S \cup \Ccal'$.

Let there be $m_S$ types of small items and $m_L$ types of large items. We can split the vector $b$ of length $m$ into two vectors $b^{(S)}$ and $b^{(L)}$ of length $m_S$ and $m_L$ respectively. After renumbering the item types so that large item types appear first, we get that $b = \begin{bmatrix}b^{(L)} \\ \hline b^{(S)}\end{bmatrix}$ (i.e., $b$ is obtained by vertically stacking $b^{(L)}$ and $b^{(S)}$).

Let $A^{(L)}$ be an $m_L$-by-$|\Ccal_L|$ configuration matrix for $I_L$. Then the density-restricted configuration LP of $I_L$ is given by \[ \min\left\{ \sum_{C \in \Ccal_L} x_C + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^{m_L} g(i)y_i: A^{(L)}x + y \ge b^{(L)} \wedge x \ge 0 \wedge y \ge 0 \right\} \] Let $A^{(S)}$ be an $m_S$-by-$|\Ccal_S|$ configuration matrix for $I_S$. After renumbering the configurations, we get that $A$ is of the form \[ A = \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c} A^{(L)} & 0 & ? \\ \hline 0 & A^{(S)} & ? \end{array}\right] \]

Let $\mathcal{B}$ be the configurations of the bins used by $P$ to pack $I_S$. Let $x^{(S)}$ be a vector of length $|\Ccal_S|$ where $x^{(S)}_C$ is the number of bins of config $C$ used by $P$'s output on $I_S$. Then $\sum_{C \in \mathcal{C}_S} x^{(S)}_C \le c$. Since $x^{(S)}$ is gives a feasible bin packing, we get $A^{(S)}x^{(S)} \ge b^{(S)}$.

Let $x'$ be a vector of length $|\Ccal'|$ where each entry is 0. Let $y^{(S)}$ be a vector of length $m_S$ where each entry is 0. Let $\xhat = \begin{bmatrix}x^{(L)} \\ \hline x^{(S)} \\ \hline x'\end{bmatrix}$. Let $\yhat = \begin{bmatrix}y^{(L)} \\ \hline y^{(S)} \end{bmatrix}$. We will now show that $(\xhat, \yhat)$ is feasible for the density-restricted config LP of $I$ and has objective value at most $v + c$.

\begin{align} A\xhat + \yhat &= \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c} A^{(L)} & 0 & ? \\ \hline 0 & A^{(S)} & ? \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c} x^{(L)} \\ \hline x^{(S)} \\ \hline 0 \end{array}\right] + \begin{bmatrix}y^{(L)} \\ \hline y^{(S)} \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \left[\begin{array}{c} A^{(L)}x^{(L)} + y^{(L)} \\ \hline A^{(S)}x^{(S)} \end{array}\right] \\ &\ge \left[\begin{array}{c} b^{(L)} \\ \hline b^{(S)} \end{array}\right] = b \end{align} Therefore, $(\xhat, \yhat)$ is feasible for the config LP of $I$. \[ \sum_{C \in \Ccal} \xhat_C + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^m g(i)\yhat_i = \sum_{C \in \Ccal_L} x^{(L)}_C + \sum_{C \in \Ccal_S} x^{(S)}_C + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^{m_L} g(i)y^{(L)}_i \le v + c \] Therefore, $(\xhat, \yhat)$ has objective value at most $v + c$.  □

Thanks to Lemma 2, from now on, we'll assume that $I$ has no small items.

We will try to use the covLPsolve algorithm from [eku-pst] to solve the density-restricted configuration LP. To do this, we need to express the density-restricted configuration LP as a covering LP.

Therefore, the $(g, \lambda)$-density-restricted configuration LP can be represented as $\covLP(A', b, c)$.

The column oracle and the cost oracle are trivial to construct. The parameter $q$ of covLPsolve can be computed using Lemma 1, and $q/\opt(\covLP(A', b, c)) \le n$ by Lemma 1.

\begin{align} \frac{\rho}{q} &= \max_{i=1}^m \max_j \frac{A'[i, j]}{b_ic_j} \\ &= \max_{i=1}^m \max\left( \max_{C \in \Ccal} \frac{A[i, C]}{b_i}, \frac{1}{\lambda g(i)b_i} \right) \\ &\le \max_{i=1}^m \max\left( 1, m \right) = m \tag{$I$ has no small items} \end{align} Hence, $\rho \le mn$.

For any vector $p \in \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^m$, let $p(C)$ denote the profit of configuration $C$ if each item of type $i$ has profit $p_i$. Let's now investigate the function $D$ associated with the index-finding oracle. For a configuration $C$, \[ D_C(p) = \sum_{i=1}^m p_iA[i, C] = p(C). \] For $j \in [m]$, \[ D_j(p) = \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{p_iI[i, j]}{\lambda g(j)} = \frac{p_j}{\lambda g(j)}. \] \[ D(p) = \max\left( \max_{C \in \Ccal} p(C), \max_{i=1}^m \frac{p_i}{\lambda g(i)} \right). \] Therefore, the index-finding oracle will either return a configuration $\Chat$ such that $p(\Chat)$ is approximately $D(p)$ or return $\ihat \in [m]$ such that $(p_{\ihat}/\lambda g(\ihat))$ is approximately $D(p)$.

Lemma 3: For any $\delta > 0$, we can implement an $\eta(1-\delta)$-weak index-finding oracle using an $\eta$-approx algorithm for $(g, \lambda \beta / \delta)$-density-restricted knapsack.

Proof. Let $i^*$ be the highest-density item. Let $\sigma = p_{i^*}/(\lambda g(i^*)) = D_{i^*}(p)$. This means that the density of items is upper-bounded by $\sigma\lambda$. Let $I_S = \{i \in I: p_i/g(i) < \delta\sigma/\beta \}$ and $I_L = I - I_S$ where $\delta$ is a (preferably small) positive constant. The density of items in $I_L$ ranges from $\sigma\delta/\beta$ to $\sigma\lambda$. The max-to-min density ratio is $\lambda\beta/\delta$, which is a constant.

For a set $X$ of items, let $\optKS(X)$ denote the maximum profit attainable by packing a subset of $X$ into a bin, where the profit of an item of type $i$ is $p_i$. Since $g(I_S) \le \beta$, we get $\optKS(I_S) < \delta\sigma$. Let $\Acal$ be an $\eta$-approx algorithm for the density-restricted knapsack problem. Let $\Chat$ be the config returned by $\Acal(I_L)$. Since $\Acal$ is $\eta$-approx, $p(\Chat) \ge \eta\optKS(I_L)$. Let $C^*$ be the maximum-profit subset of $I$, so $p(C^*) = \optKS(I)$.

Case 1: $p(\Chat) \le \sigma$ \begin{align} \optKS(I) &= p(C^* \cap I_S) + p(C^* \cap I_L) \\ &\le \optKS(I_S) + \optKS(I_L) \\ &\le \delta\sigma + \frac{p(\Chat)}{\eta} \\ &\le \sigma\left(\delta + \frac{1}{\eta}\right) \end{align} Therefore, \begin{align} & D(p) = \max(\optKS(I), \sigma) \le \sigma \left(\delta + \frac{1}{\eta}\right) \\ &\implies D_{i^*}(p) = \sigma \ge \frac{\eta}{1 + \eta\delta} D(p) \end{align} So returning $i^*$ is an $\eta/(1 + \eta\delta)$-approx solution to the index-finding oracle.

Case 2: $p(\Chat) \ge \sigma$
Hence, $\sigma \le p(\Chat) \le p(C^*) = \optKS(I)$ and $D(p) = \optKS(I)$. \begin{align} p(\Chat) &\ge \eta\optKS(I_L) \\ &\ge \eta(\optKS(I) - \optKS(I_S)) \\ &\ge \eta(\optKS(I) - \sigma\delta) \\ &\ge \eta(1 - \delta)\optKS(I) \end{align} Therefore, returning $\Chat$ is a $\eta(1-\delta)$-approx solution to the index-finding oracle.

If $p(\Chat) \le \sigma$, have the index-finding subroutine return $i^*$. Otherwise return $\Chat$. \[ \min\left(\frac{\eta}{1+\eta\delta}, \eta(1-\delta) \right) = \eta(1-\delta) \] Therefore, we get a $\eta(1-\delta)$-weak index-finding subroutine.  □

Hence, we can solve the density-restricted config LP of $I$ using covLPsolve. The running time is \[ O\left( \frac{m^2n}{\eta\eps^3} \log\left(\frac{n}{\eps\eta}\right)^3 T(m, n)\right). \]

Eklavya Sharma
An Approximation Algorithm for Covering Linear Programs and its Application to Bin-Packing
arXiv:2011.11268 [cs.DS]

Dependency for:

  1. 2D BP: APTAS for config LP


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /optimization/lin-func-is-max-at-extreme-point-of-polytope
  2. /bounds/upper-exp-bound
  3. Bin packing and Knapsack
  4. Bin packing: configuration LP
  5. Bin packing: density-restricted config LP
  6. Group
  7. Ring
  8. Semiring
  9. Matrix
  10. Stacking
  11. Product of stacked matrices
  12. Bound on log
  13. Approximation algorithm for covering LPs