2D BP: NFDH for small items
$\newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon}$ $\newcommand{\Size}{\operatorname{Size}}$ $\newcommand{\opt}{\operatorname{opt}}$ $\newcommand{\Th}{^{\textrm{th}}}$ $\newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\left\lceil{#1}\right\rceil}$ Let $I$ be a 2D geometric bin packing instance, where items have height at most $\eps_H$ and width at most $\eps_W$. Let bins have height $H$ and width $W$.
The number of bins used by NFDH to pack $I$ is less than \[ \ceil{\frac{a(I)}{(W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H)}}. \]
Moreover, for each bin except the last, the total area of items in the bin is more than $(W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H)$. Consequently, if $a(I) \le (W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H)$, then NFDH packs $I$ into a single bin.
Using NFDH for bin packing is equivalent to using NFDH for packing items into shelves and then packing the shelves into bins using the Next-Fit algorithm.
Let there be $m$ bins in NFDH's output. Consider the $q\Th$ bin, where $q < m$. Let there be $p$ shelves in this bin. Let $H_i$ be the height of the first item in the $i\Th$ shelf in this bin. Let $W_i$ be the sum of widths of items in the $i\Th$ shelf in this bin. Let $A_i$ be the total area of items in the $i\Th$ shelf in this bin. Let $H_{p+1}$ be the height of the first shelf in the $(q+1)\Th$ bin.
Note that $W_i > W - \eps_W$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{p+1} H_i > 1$ and $A_i \ge W_iH_{i+1}$. Hence, the total area of items in the $q\Th$ bin is \[ \sum_{i=1}^p A_i > \sum_{i=1}^p W_iH_{i+1} \gt (W-\eps_W)\sum_{i=1}^p H_{i+1} > (W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H). \]
Let $B_i$ be the total area of items in the $i\Th$ bin. For $i < m$, we have $B_i > (W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H)$. Therefore, \begin{align} & a(I) > \sum_{i=1}^{m-1} B_i > (m-1)(W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H) \\ &\implies m < \frac{a(I)}{(W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H)} + 1. \end{align} Since $m \in \mathbb{Z}$, we get \[ m \le \ceil{\frac{a(I)}{(W-\eps_W)(H-\eps_H)}}. \]
Dependency for:
- Depth: 3
- Number of transitive dependencies: 3