PTAS for 2D geometric density-restricted knapsack
Dependencies: (incomplete)
Consider items in a 2D geometric knapsack problem. The density of an item is the ratio of its profit to its area. Let $\lambda$ be the ratio of the maximum density of an item to the minimum density of an item. If we only consider instances for which $\lambda$ is upper-bounded by a constant, then there is a PTAS for this variant of the knapsack problem (for both the rotational and non-rotational versions).
Proof can be found in section 3 of [bansal2009structural].
A structural lemma in 2-dimensional packing, and its implications on approximability.
In International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation 2009 Dec 16 (pp. 77-86). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
A structural lemma in 2-dimensional packing, and its implications on approximability.
In International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation 2009 Dec 16 (pp. 77-86). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Dependency for:
- Depth: 4
- Number of transitive dependencies: 4