Maximin share allocations
$\newcommand{\MMS}{\operatorname{MMS}}$ Consider a fair division instance with $n$ agents, equal entitlements, and a set $M$ of items. $\MMS_{v_i}^n(M)$ is called agent $i$'s maximin share. An allocation $A$ is MMS-fair to agent $i$ if $v_i(A_i) ≥ \MMS_{v_i}^n(M)$. For $\alpha \in [0, 1]$, $A$ is $\alpha$-MMS-fair to agent $i$ if $v_i(A_i) ≥ \alpha\MMS_{v_i}^n(M)$. Often, for brevity, we write $\MMS_i$ instead of $\MMS_{v_i}^n(M)$.
For non-equal entitlements, there are two variants: weighted MMS (WMMS) and pessimistic share (pessShare).
Let $\Pi^n(M)$ be the set of all $n$-partitions of $M$. (If the fair division instance is constrained, as in contiguous cake cutting, then we require each part to be feasible.) Agent $i$'s weighted maximin share is \[ \mathrm{WMMS}_i := w_i \sup_{X \in \Pi^n(M)} \min_{j=1}^n \frac{v_i(X_j)}{w_j}. \] Allocation $A$ is WMMS-fair to agent $i$ if $v_i(A_i) \ge \mathrm{WMMS}_i$.
Let $1 ≤ \ell ≤ d$. Let $\Pi^d(M)$ be the set of all $d$-partitions of $M$. Then agent $i$'s $\ell$-out-of-$d$ share is defined as \[ \textrm{$\ell$-out-of-$d$-share}_i := \sup_{X \in \Pi^d(M): v_i(X_j) \le v_i(X_{j+1}) \forall j \in [n-1]} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell} v_i(X_j). \] Then agent $i$'s pessimistic share is defined as \[ \mathrm{pessShare}_i := \sup_{1 ≤ \ell ≤ d: \ell / d ≤ w_i} \textrm{$\ell$-out-of-$d$-share}_i. \] Allocation $A$ is pessShare-fair to agent $i$ if $v_i(A_i) \ge \mathrm{pessShare}_i$.
For equal entitlements, it's trivial to show that $\mathrm{WMMS}_i = \MMS_i$. One can also show that $\mathrm{pessShare}_i = \MMS_i$ for equal entitlements.
For equal entitlements, we have $w_i = 1/n$. The $1$-out-of-$n$-share is the same as MMS, so $\mathrm{pessShare}_i \ge \MMS_i$.
Now pick $d$ such that $\ell/d \le 1/n$, i.e., $d ≥ \ell n$. For any $X \in \Pi^d(M)$ such that $v_i(X_j) \le v_i(X_{j+1})$ for all $j \in [n-1]$. Now create $Y \in \Pi^n(M)$ where $Y_k = \bigcup_{j=(k-1)n + 1}^{kn} X_j$ for $k \in [n-1]$ and $Y_n = M \setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^{n-1} Y_j$. By definition of MMS, we get $\sum_{j=1}^{\ell} v_i(X_j) = v_i(Y_1) \le \MMS_i$. Since this is true for all such $X$, we get that $\ell$-out-of-$d$-share$_i \le \MMS_i$ whenever $\ell / d \le 1/n$. Hence, $\mathrm{pessShare}_i \le \MMS_i$.
Dependency for:
- Depth: 4
- Number of transitive dependencies: 6
Transitive dependencies:
- /sets-and-relations/countable-set
- /analysis/sup-inf
- σ-algebra
- Set function
- Fair division
- Maximin share of a set function