Basic feasible solutions
Let $P = \{x: Ax \le b, Cx = d\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ be a polyhedron. $x$ is called a basic solution of $P$ iff at least $n$ of the defining constraints of $P$ are tight at $x$ and linearly independent.
$x$ is called a basic feasible solution (BFS) of $P$ iff it is a basic solution of $P$ and $x \in P$.
For a basic solution $x$ of $P$, if there are more than $n$ tight constraints at $x$, then $x$ is called a degenerate solution, and the number of tight constraints minus $n$ is called the order of degeneracy.
Dependency for:
- Polyhedron is unbounded iff it has direction
- Extreme point iff BFS
- Condition for existence of BFS in a polyhedron
- LP is optimized at BFS
- BFS iff vertex iff extreme point
- Point in polytope is convex combination of BFS
- BFS is vertex
- Representing point in full-rank polyhedron
- Condition for polyhedral cone to be pointed
- Depth: 7
- Number of transitive dependencies: 11