

  1. Group
  2. Ring

The ring $(R, +, \circ)$ is a field iff all of the following conditions are met:

Consequently, a field is also a commutative ring.

Also, a field has at least 2 elements, 0 and 1.

Common examples of fields are $(\mathbb{Q}, +, \times)$, $(\mathbb{R}, +, \times)$ and $(\mathbb{C}, +, \times)$ (it is trivial to prove that they are fields).

Dependency for:

  1. I is a maximal ideal iff R/I is a field
  2. Zp is a field
  3. A field is an integral domain
  4. A finite integral domain is a field
  5. Being a field is preserved under isomorphism
  6. Inner product space
  7. Vector Space
  8. Basis of F^n
  9. Row equivalence of matrices
  10. Inverse of a matrix
  11. Rank of a matrix
  12. Row equivalent matrices have the same row space
  13. Elementary row operation is matrix pre-multiplication
  14. Every elementary row operation has a unique inverse
  15. A matrix is full-rank iff its determinant is non-0
  16. System of linear equations
  17. Polynomial GCD theorem
  18. Polynomial division theorem
  19. A polynomial of degree n has at most n zeros


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Group
  2. Ring