Markov chain


  1. Random variable
  2. Conditional probability (incomplete)
  3. Matrix

For $t \in \mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}$, let $X_t$ be a discrete random variable having support $D$. Then the sequence $\Xvec = [X_0, X_1, X_2, \ldots]$ is called a discrete-space discrete-time markov chain (usually just called a markov chain) iff $\forall t \ge 0$, we have \[ \Pr\left(X_{t+1} = i_{t+1} \mid \bigvee_{j=1}^t (X_j = i_j)\right) = \Pr(X_{t+1} = i_{t+1} \mid X_t = i_t). \] $D$ is called the state space of $\Xvec$. If $D$ is infinite, then $\Xvec$ is called an infinite-state markov chain. If $D$ is finite, we can assume without loss of generality that $D = \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$. Then $\Xvec$ is called an $n$-state markov chain.

$\Xvec$ is said to be time-homogeneous iff $\forall t \ge 0$, $\forall i \in D$, $\forall j \in D$, $\Pr(X_{t+2} = j \mid X_{t+1} = i) = \Pr(X_{t+1} = j \mid X_t = i)$. We will assume that markov chains are time-homogeneous unless specified otherwise. For a time-homogenous markov chain, let $P(i, j) = \Pr(X_1 = j \mid X_0 = i)$. Then $P$ is called the single-step transition function of $\Xvec$ (usually just called transition function). For any non-negative integer $n$, define $P^{(n)}(i, j) = \Pr(X_n = j \mid X_0 = i)$. Then $P$ is called the $n$-step transition function of $\Xvec$. Note that $P^{(1)} = P$. If $D$ is discrete, $P^{(n)}$ is often denoted as a matrix, where $P^{(n)}_{i,j} = P^{(n)}(i, j)$. This matrix is called the $n$-step transition matrix of $\Xvec$.

Basic facts about markov chains

\[ \sum_{j \in D} P(i, j) = \sum_{j \in D} \Pr(X_1 = j \mid X_0 = i) = 1. \] This implies that if $P$ is a matrix, then each row sums to 1.

Let $X$ be a markov chain with state space $\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$. Let $x$ and $y$ be column vectors in $[0, 1]^n$ where $x_i = \Pr(X_t = i)$ and $y_i = \Pr(X_{t+1} = i)$. Then $y = P^Tx$, because \[ y_j = \Pr(X_{t+1} = j) = \sum_{i=1}^n \Pr(X_{t+1} = j \mid X_t = i)\Pr(X_t = i) = \sum_{i=1}^n P_{i,j}x_i = (P^Tx)_j. \]

Dependency for:

  1. Markov chains: positive recurrence
  2. Markov chains: finite sink is positive recurrent
  3. Markov chains: positive recurrence is a class property
  4. Markov chains: recurrent state to acessible state (incomplete)
  5. Chapman-Kolmogorov equation
  6. Markov chains: recurrent states
  7. Markov chains: recurrent iff infinite visits
  8. Markov chains: long run proportion is inverse of time to reenter (incomplete)
  9. Markov chains: recurrence is a class property
  10. Markov chains: long run proportion of a state
  11. Markov chains: finite sink is recurrent (incomplete)
  12. Markov chains: recurrent class is sink
  13. Markov chains: accessibility and state classes
  14. Markov chains: recurrent iff expected number of visits is infinite


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /analysis/topological-space
  2. /sets-and-relations/countable-set
  3. /sets-and-relations/de-morgan-laws
  4. σ-algebra
  5. Generated σ-algebra
  6. Borel algebra
  7. Measurable function
  8. Generators of the real Borel algebra (incomplete)
  9. Measure
  10. σ-algebra is closed under countable intersections
  11. Group
  12. Ring
  13. Semiring
  14. Matrix
  15. Probability
  16. Conditional probability (incomplete)
  17. Random variable