Markov chains: recurrent state to acessible state (incomplete)


  1. Markov chain
  2. Markov chains: recurrent states
  3. Markov chains: recurrent iff infinite visits

Let $X = [X_0, X_1, \ldots]$ be a markov chain with transformation function $P$. Let $i$ be a recurrent state and let state $j$ be accessible from state $i$. Then the markov chain will eventually reach $j$ with probability 1 if it starts from $i$. Formally, let $R_j = \bigvee_{t=1}^{\infty} (X_t = j)$. Then $\Pr(R_j \mid X_0 = i) = 1$.


Since $i$ is recurrent, the markov chain will visit $i$ an infinite number of times. Let $T_k$ be the $k^{\textrm{th}}$ time (for $t \ge 1$) when the markov chain visits $i$. Since $j$ is accessible from $i$, there exists a path of states $Q = [k_0, k_1, k_2, \ldots, k_r]$ such that $i = k_0$, $j = k_r$ and $P(k_{t-1}, k_t) > 0$ for all $1 \le t \le r$ and $k_t \not\in \{i, j\}$ for all $1 \le t < r$. Let $q = \prod_{t=1}^r P(k_{t-1}, k_t)$. Then $q > 0$.

Let $E$ be the event that $j$ is never visited via $Q$. We will show that $\Pr(E \mid X_0 = i, T_1 = t_1, T_2 = t_2, \ldots) = 0$, which will prove that $j$ will be eventually visited (and that too via $Q$).

(Non-rigorous proof ahead)

Since $i$ is visited an infinite number of times, we have an infinite number of opportunities to visit $j$ via $Q$, and each such opportunity will succeed with probability $q > 0$. Hence, we will succeed eventually, so $j$ will be reached eventually from $i$ via $Q$.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /analysis/topological-space
  2. /sets-and-relations/countable-set
  3. /sets-and-relations/de-morgan-laws
  4. σ-algebra
  5. Generated σ-algebra
  6. Borel algebra
  7. Measurable function
  8. Generators of the real Borel algebra (incomplete)
  9. Measure
  10. σ-algebra is closed under countable intersections
  11. Group
  12. Ring
  13. Semiring
  14. Matrix
  15. Probability
  16. Conditional probability (incomplete)
  17. Random variable
  18. Markov chain
  19. Markov chains: recurrent states
  20. Markov chains: recurrent iff infinite visits