Dijkstra's algorithm
- Edge relaxations
- Convergence of edge relaxations
- Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree after convergence
- Subpath of shortest path is shortest path
Let $G = (V, E)$ be a weighted graph. Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm which relaxes edges of $G$ to find $\delta(s, v)$ for every $v \in V$.
Dijkstra's algorithm also finds a shortest paths tree, since in any relaxations-based algorithm, after relaxations converge $d$ to $\delta$, the predecessor graph is a shortest paths tree.
Dijkstra's algorithm:
for v in G.V:
d(v) = ∞
π(v) = null
d(s) = 0
S = {}
Q = min_heap({s})
def relax(u, v):
if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v):
d[v] = d[u] + w(u, v)
π(v) = u
if v in Q:
assert v not in S
while not Q.empty():
u = Q.extract_min()
for v in G.adj[u]:
relax(u, v)
Here $Q$ is a priority queue on $V$ with key function $d$.
Time taken
Only those vertices are added to $Q$ which are not in $S$ (according to the assert statement, whose truth will be proven later). Therefore, the vertex extracted from $Q$ is not in $S$. So, in every iteration of the while loop, a new vertex is added to $S$. Therefore, the while loop runs at most $|V|$ times.
Time taken by Dijkstra's algorithm is $O(|V|g(|V|) + |E|h(|V|))$,
where $g(|V|)$ is the time taken by Q.extract_min
and $h(|V|)$ is the time taken by Q.decrease_priority
If $Q$ is implemented using binary heaps, time taken is $O(|E|\lg|V|)$,
since extract_min
and decrease_priority
taken $O(\lg|V|)$ time.
If $Q$ is implemented using fibonacci heaps, time taken is $O(|E| + |V|\lg|V|)$,
since extract_min
takes amortized $O(\lg|V|)$ time and
takes amortized $O(1)$ time.
We will prove that this invariant is maintained by Dijkstra's algorithm
at the beginning of each iteration of the while
\[ \forall v \in S, d(v) = \delta(v) \]
This means that when Dijkstra's algorithm terminates, $d(v) = \delta(v)$ for all $v \in V$.
Monotonicity theorem
Elements are added to $S$ in non-decreasing order of $\delta$.
Proof of invariant
Initially, $S = \{\}$, so the invariant is trivially true.
After the first iteration of the while
loop, $S = \{s\}$.
Here too, the invariant is maintained, since $d(s) = \delta(s) = 0$.
We will use proof by contradiction to show that the invariant is always true. Suppose that the invariant isn't always true. Let $u$ be the first vertex inserted to $S$ for which $d(u) \neq \delta(u)$. Since $d$ is an upper-bound on $\delta$, this means $\delta(u) < d(u)$. Also, $u \neq s$, because $s$ was the first vertex to be inserted in $S$ and $d(s) = \delta(s) = 0$.
The value of $d$ and $S$ change with time. Unless mentioned otherwise, values of $d$ and $S$ will be taken to be at the instant just before $u$ is inserted into $S$. At that instant, the invariant was true, so $\forall v \in S, d(v) = \delta(v)$. We also have that $s \in S$ and $u \not\in S$.
Let $p$ be a shortest path from $s$ to $u$. $(u \not\in S \wedge s \in S)$ $\implies \exists (x, y) \in p, (x \in S \wedge y \not\in S)$. Let $p_1$ be the subpath of $p$ from $s$ to $y$ and $p_2$ be the subpath of $p$ from $y$ to $u$. Therefore, $\delta(u) = w(p) = w(p_1) + w(p_2)$. Since a subpath of a shortest path is a shortest path, $w(p_1) = \delta(y)$. Therefore, $\delta(u) = \delta(y) + w(p_2)$. Since there are no negative-weight edges in $G$, $w(p_2) \ge 0$. Therefore, $\delta(y) \le \delta(u)$.
$x \in S \implies$ $x$ was chosen before $u$ and $d(x) = \delta(x)$. After $x$ was added to $S$, $(x, y)$ was relaxed. By the convergence property of relaxations, $d(y) = \delta(y) \le \delta(u) < d(u)$. Since $d(y) < d(u)$, $y \neq u$. Since $y \not\in S$ just before $u$ was inserted into $S$, $d(u) \le d(y)$. This is a contradiction. This contradiction arose because we assumed that $\delta(u) \neq d(u)$. Therefore, there is no smallest vertex $u$ for which $d(u) \neq \delta(u)$ just before adding it to $S$. Therefore, the invariant $\forall v \in S, d(v) = \delta(v)$ is maintained.
Proof of the truth of the assert
Suppose $(u, v)$ is being relaxed. This can only happen if $u \in S$. Suppose $v \in S$. Then $d(v) = \delta(v)$ and $d(u) = \delta(u)$. By the triangle inquality, $\delta(v) \le \delta(u) + \delta(u, v) \le \delta(u) + w(u, v)$. Therefore, $v \in S \implies d(v) \le d(u) + w(u, v)$. The contrapositive of this statement says that $d(v) > d(u) + w(u, v) \implies v \not\in S$, which proves the assert statement.
Proof of monotonicity theorem
The monotonicity theorem states that just before $u$ is added to $S$, \[ \forall u \in V, \forall v \in S, \delta(v) \le \delta(u) \] We will prove this by contradiction. Let $u$ be the first vertex to be added to $S$ which does not satisfy the above property.
Consider the instant just before $u$ is added to $S$. If $S = \{\}$, this is trivially true. So let $S \neq \{\}$. The first vertex to be inserted to $S$ is $s$. Therefore, $u \neq s$. This means $u$ was added to $Q$ during a relaxation, so $π(u) \neq \textrm{null}$ after that relaxation.
Consider the instant just before $u$ is added to $S$. By the invariant proven above, $d(u) = \delta(u)$ at that time. Let $π(u) = x$ at that time. Consider the instant just after $(x, u)$ was relaxed. Since $(x, u)$ was relaxed, $x \in S$. At that time $d(u) = d(x) + w(x, u)$. By the invariant proven above, $d(x) = \delta(x)$, since $x \in S$. This means $\delta(x) = d(x) \le d(x) + w(x, u) = d(u) = \delta(u)$.
Let $v$ be a vertex added to $S$ before $u$. If $v$ was added before $x$, $\delta(v) \le \delta(x)$, since $u$ is the first vertex to not satisfy the monotonicity property. Therefore $\delta(v) \le \delta(x) \le \delta(u)$.
If $v$ was added after $x$ and before $u$, $\delta(x) \le \delta(v)$. Consider the time just before $v$ is added to $S$. By that time $(x, u)$ was relaxed, so $\delta(u) = d(u)$. Since $v$ was chosen instead of $u$, $d(v) \le d(u)$. By the invariant proven above, $d(v) = \delta(v)$. Therefore, $\delta(v) \le \delta(u)$.
Therefore, for every vertex $v$ added to $S$ before $u$, $\delta(v) \le \delta(u)$. This is a contradiction, since $u$ is the first vertex to be added to $S$ which does not satisfy this property. This means that our assumption that such a vertex exists was wrong. Therefore, vertices get inserted into $S$ in non-decreasing order of $\delta$.
Dependency for: None
- Depth: 6
- Number of transitive dependencies: 15
Transitive dependencies:
- /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
- /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
- /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
- Graph
- Transpose of a graph
- Path in Graph
- Triangle inequality of shortest paths
- Edge relaxations
- Convergence of edge relaxations
- Subpath of shortest path is shortest path
- Rooted tree
- Shortest-path tree
- Acyclic predecessor graph is union of rooted trees
- Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a rooted tree
- Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree after convergence