Dijkstra's algorithm


  1. Edge relaxations
  2. Convergence of edge relaxations
  3. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree after convergence
  4. Subpath of shortest path is shortest path

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a weighted graph. Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm which relaxes edges of $G$ to find $\delta(s, v)$ for every $v \in V$.

Dijkstra's algorithm also finds a shortest paths tree, since in any relaxations-based algorithm, after relaxations converge $d$ to $\delta$, the predecessor graph is a shortest paths tree.

Dijkstra's algorithm:

for v in G.V:
    d(v) = ∞
    π(v) = null
d(s) = 0
S = {}
Q = min_heap({s})

def relax(u, v):
    if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v):
        d[v] = d[u] + w(u, v)
        π(v) = u
        if v in Q:
            assert v not in S

while not Q.empty():
    u = Q.extract_min()
    for v in G.adj[u]:
        relax(u, v)

Here $Q$ is a priority queue on $V$ with key function $d$.

Time taken

Only those vertices are added to $Q$ which are not in $S$ (according to the assert statement, whose truth will be proven later). Therefore, the vertex extracted from $Q$ is not in $S$. So, in every iteration of the while loop, a new vertex is added to $S$. Therefore, the while loop runs at most $|V|$ times.

Time taken by Dijkstra's algorithm is $O(|V|g(|V|) + |E|h(|V|))$, where $g(|V|)$ is the time taken by Q.extract_min and $h(|V|)$ is the time taken by Q.decrease_priority. If $Q$ is implemented using binary heaps, time taken is $O(|E|\lg|V|)$, since extract_min and decrease_priority taken $O(\lg|V|)$ time. If $Q$ is implemented using fibonacci heaps, time taken is $O(|E| + |V|\lg|V|)$, since extract_min takes amortized $O(\lg|V|)$ time and decrease_priority takes amortized $O(1)$ time.


We will prove that this invariant is maintained by Dijkstra's algorithm at the beginning of each iteration of the while loop: \[ \forall v \in S, d(v) = \delta(v) \]

This means that when Dijkstra's algorithm terminates, $d(v) = \delta(v)$ for all $v \in V$.

Monotonicity theorem

Elements are added to $S$ in non-decreasing order of $\delta$.

Proof of invariant

Initially, $S = \{\}$, so the invariant is trivially true. After the first iteration of the while loop, $S = \{s\}$. Here too, the invariant is maintained, since $d(s) = \delta(s) = 0$.

We will use proof by contradiction to show that the invariant is always true. Suppose that the invariant isn't always true. Let $u$ be the first vertex inserted to $S$ for which $d(u) \neq \delta(u)$. Since $d$ is an upper-bound on $\delta$, this means $\delta(u) < d(u)$. Also, $u \neq s$, because $s$ was the first vertex to be inserted in $S$ and $d(s) = \delta(s) = 0$.

The value of $d$ and $S$ change with time. Unless mentioned otherwise, values of $d$ and $S$ will be taken to be at the instant just before $u$ is inserted into $S$. At that instant, the invariant was true, so $\forall v \in S, d(v) = \delta(v)$. We also have that $s \in S$ and $u \not\in S$.

Let $p$ be a shortest path from $s$ to $u$. $(u \not\in S \wedge s \in S)$ $\implies \exists (x, y) \in p, (x \in S \wedge y \not\in S)$. Let $p_1$ be the subpath of $p$ from $s$ to $y$ and $p_2$ be the subpath of $p$ from $y$ to $u$. Therefore, $\delta(u) = w(p) = w(p_1) + w(p_2)$. Since a subpath of a shortest path is a shortest path, $w(p_1) = \delta(y)$. Therefore, $\delta(u) = \delta(y) + w(p_2)$. Since there are no negative-weight edges in $G$, $w(p_2) \ge 0$. Therefore, $\delta(y) \le \delta(u)$.

$x \in S \implies$ $x$ was chosen before $u$ and $d(x) = \delta(x)$. After $x$ was added to $S$, $(x, y)$ was relaxed. By the convergence property of relaxations, $d(y) = \delta(y) \le \delta(u) < d(u)$. Since $d(y) < d(u)$, $y \neq u$. Since $y \not\in S$ just before $u$ was inserted into $S$, $d(u) \le d(y)$. This is a contradiction. This contradiction arose because we assumed that $\delta(u) \neq d(u)$. Therefore, there is no smallest vertex $u$ for which $d(u) \neq \delta(u)$ just before adding it to $S$. Therefore, the invariant $\forall v \in S, d(v) = \delta(v)$ is maintained.

Proof of the truth of the assert statement.

Suppose $(u, v)$ is being relaxed. This can only happen if $u \in S$. Suppose $v \in S$. Then $d(v) = \delta(v)$ and $d(u) = \delta(u)$. By the triangle inquality, $\delta(v) \le \delta(u) + \delta(u, v) \le \delta(u) + w(u, v)$. Therefore, $v \in S \implies d(v) \le d(u) + w(u, v)$. The contrapositive of this statement says that $d(v) > d(u) + w(u, v) \implies v \not\in S$, which proves the assert statement.

Proof of monotonicity theorem

The monotonicity theorem states that just before $u$ is added to $S$, \[ \forall u \in V, \forall v \in S, \delta(v) \le \delta(u) \] We will prove this by contradiction. Let $u$ be the first vertex to be added to $S$ which does not satisfy the above property.

Consider the instant just before $u$ is added to $S$. If $S = \{\}$, this is trivially true. So let $S \neq \{\}$. The first vertex to be inserted to $S$ is $s$. Therefore, $u \neq s$. This means $u$ was added to $Q$ during a relaxation, so $π(u) \neq \textrm{null}$ after that relaxation.

Consider the instant just before $u$ is added to $S$. By the invariant proven above, $d(u) = \delta(u)$ at that time. Let $π(u) = x$ at that time. Consider the instant just after $(x, u)$ was relaxed. Since $(x, u)$ was relaxed, $x \in S$. At that time $d(u) = d(x) + w(x, u)$. By the invariant proven above, $d(x) = \delta(x)$, since $x \in S$. This means $\delta(x) = d(x) \le d(x) + w(x, u) = d(u) = \delta(u)$.

Let $v$ be a vertex added to $S$ before $u$. If $v$ was added before $x$, $\delta(v) \le \delta(x)$, since $u$ is the first vertex to not satisfy the monotonicity property. Therefore $\delta(v) \le \delta(x) \le \delta(u)$.

If $v$ was added after $x$ and before $u$, $\delta(x) \le \delta(v)$. Consider the time just before $v$ is added to $S$. By that time $(x, u)$ was relaxed, so $\delta(u) = d(u)$. Since $v$ was chosen instead of $u$, $d(v) \le d(u)$. By the invariant proven above, $d(v) = \delta(v)$. Therefore, $\delta(v) \le \delta(u)$.

Therefore, for every vertex $v$ added to $S$ before $u$, $\delta(v) \le \delta(u)$. This is a contradiction, since $u$ is the first vertex to be added to $S$ which does not satisfy this property. This means that our assumption that such a vertex exists was wrong. Therefore, vertices get inserted into $S$ in non-decreasing order of $\delta$.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
  2. /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
  3. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
  4. Graph
  5. Transpose of a graph
  6. Path in Graph
  7. Triangle inequality of shortest paths
  8. Edge relaxations
  9. Convergence of edge relaxations
  10. Subpath of shortest path is shortest path
  11. Rooted tree
  12. Shortest-path tree
  13. Acyclic predecessor graph is union of rooted trees
  14. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a rooted tree
  15. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree after convergence