Edge relaxations


  1. Triangle inequality of shortest paths

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a weighted graph. Also assume that $(u, v) \in E \implies w(u, v) \neq \infty$. Let $s$ be a source vertex from which we wish to find the shortest path to every vertex. Let $\delta(v)$ be the weight of the shortest path from $s$ to $v$.

Let $d: V \mapsto \mathbb{R}$ and $π: V \mapsto V \cup \{\textrm{null}\}$ be attributes that we will maintain for every vertex. Initially, $π(v) = \textrm{null}$ and $d(v) = \begin{cases} 0 & v = s \\ \infty & v \neq s \end{cases}$.

Relaxation of the edge $(u, v)$ is the following operation: If $d(v) > d(u) + w(u, v)$, set $d(v)$ to $d(u) + w(u, v)$ and $π(v)$ to $u$. It is easy to see that right after relaxing $(u, v)$, $d(v) \le d(u) + w(u, v)$.

When $G$ is undirected, relaxation of $(u, v)$ means relaxing in both the $(u, v)$ and $(v, u)$ directions.

Let $G_π = (V_π, E_π)$ where $V_π = \{v \in V: π(v) \neq \textrm{null}\} \cup \{s\}$ and $E_π = \{(π(v), v): v \in V \wedge π(v) \neq \textrm{null} \}$. We will soon prove that $(v \in V \wedge π(v) \neq \textrm{null}) \implies π(v) \in V_π$, which is necessary and sufficient for $G_π$ to be a valid graph.

$G_π$ is a subgraph of $G$, since $(u, v) \in E_π$ $\implies π(v) = u$ $\implies (u, v)$ was relaxed $\implies (u, v) \in E$. Therefore, $G_π$ is called a predecessor subgraph of $G$ with source $s$.

While relaxations are iteratively applied to $G$, the following properties hold:

Since $d$ is an upper-bound on $\delta$, it is called the shortest-path-length estimate of $v$.



On relaxing $(u, v)$, $v$ is the only vertex for which $d$ changes. In an operation of the form 'if $A > B$, set $A$ to $B$', $A$ cannot increase. Therefore, $d(v)$ cannot increase. Therefore, for every vertex $v$, $d(v)$ cannot increase with time.

Upper-bound property

Initially, $d$ is an upper-bound on $\delta$, since $d(s) = \delta(s) = 0$ and $d(v) = \infty \ge \delta(v)$ for all $v \neq s$.

We will prove that if the upper bound property holds before relaxing $(u, v)$, it also holds after relaxing $(u, v)$.

After relaxing $(u, v)$, if $d(v)$ changed, then \begin{align} d(v) &= d(u) + w(u, v) \\ &\ge \delta(u) + \delta(u, v) \\ &\ge \delta(v) \tag{triangle inequality of $\delta$} \end{align}

Membership in $V_π$

$v \in V_π \iff (v = s \vee π(v) \neq \textrm{null})$.

$v = s \implies d(v) = 0 \neq \infty$.
$π(v) \neq \textrm{null} \implies (u, v)$ was relaxed for some $u$. This can only happen if $d(u) + w(u, v) \neq \infty$. Therefore, after $(u, v)$ is relaxed, $d(v) \le d(u) + w(u, v) \neq \infty$.
Therefore, $v \in V_π \implies d(v) \neq \infty$.

$v \not\in V_π$
$\implies (v \neq s \wedge π(v) = \textrm{null})$
$\implies (u, v)$ was never relaxed for any $u$ and $v \neq s$.
$\implies d(v) = \infty$.

Therefore, $v \in V_π \iff d(v) \neq \infty$.

Proof of $(v \in V \wedge π(v) \neq \textrm{null}) \implies π(v) \in V_π$

Let $π(v) = u \neq \textrm{null}$. This means $(u, v)$ was relaxed. This could have only happened if $d(u) \neq \infty$. Therefore, $u \in V_π$.

Dependency for:

  1. Dijkstra's algorithm
  2. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a rooted tree
  3. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree after convergence
  4. Convergence of edge relaxations


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
  2. /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
  3. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
  4. Graph
  5. Path in Graph
  6. Triangle inequality of shortest paths