Acyclic predecessor graph is union of rooted trees


  1. Rooted tree
  2. Transpose of a graph

Let $π: V \mapsto V \cup \{\textrm{null}\}$ be a function. $π(v)$ is called the predecessor of $v$.

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a directed graph where $E = \{(π(v), v): v \in V \wedge π(v) \neq \textrm{null}\}$. Such a graph is called a predecessor graph of $π$.

It is easy to see that there are 2 kinds of vertices in this graph:

An acyclic predecessor graph is a union of rooted trees. The roots of these trees are leaders. Non-root vertices are followers.


A graph $H$ is a tree rooted at $s$ iff there is a unique path from $s$ to every vertex in $H$. Equivalently there is a unique path in $H^T$ from every vertex to $s$.

Define $π(\textrm{null}) = \textrm{null}$.
Define $π^i(v) = \begin{cases} v & i = 0 \\ π^{i-1}(π(v)) & i > 0 \end{cases}$.
Define $∏(v)$ as the infinite sequence $[π^i(v): i \ge 0]$.
It's easy to see that all entries after the first null are null.

All non-null entries in $∏(v)$ are unique. We will prove this by contradiction. Assume that $π^i(v) = π^j(v)$ for $i < j$. That means $π^{j-i}(u) = u$ where $u = π^i(v)$. This means that $u$ is part of a cycle in $G$ of length $j-i$. This is a contradiction since $G$ is acyclic. Therefore, all non-null entries in $∏(v)$ are unique.

For each $v \in V$, there is a last non-null element in $∏(v)$ and this element is a leader. Let us denote this element by $π^*(v)$. The non-null entries in $∏(v)$ form a path in $G^T$ from $v$ to $π^*(v)$.

There can be only one path from $v$ to a leader in $G^T$. We will prove this by contradiction. Assume that there are at least 2 distinct paths $p_1$ and $p_2$ in $G^T$ from $v$ to a leader. Since $G$ is acyclic, neither of $p_1$ and $p_2$ is a prefix of the other. Let $i$ be the last index for which $p_1[i] = p_2[i]$. Such an $i$ exists because $p_1[0] = p_2[0] = v$. Let $w = p_1[i] = p_2[i]$. Let $u_1 = p_1[i+1]$ and $u_2 = p_2[i+1]$. Therefore, $u_1 \neq u_2$. $p_1[i+1]$ and $p_2[i+1]$ exist, since $p_1$ and $p_2$ are distinct paths. $(w, u_1) \in G^T \implies π(w) = u_1$ and $(w, u_2) \in G^T \implies π(w) = u_2$. This is a contradiction, since $w$ can have only one predecessor.

We can partition the vertices of $V$ by their value of $π^*$. There is no edge $(u, v)$ such that $u$ and $v$ are in different partitions, otherwise $u$ will have a path to both $π^*(u)$ and $π^*(v)$. In each partition, there is a unique path from $v$ to $π^*(v)$ in $G^T$. Therefore, $G$ is a union of trees where leaders are root vertices and followers are non-root vertices.

Dependency for:

  1. Breadth-first search
  2. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a rooted tree


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
  2. /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
  3. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
  4. Graph
  5. Transpose of a graph
  6. Path in Graph
  7. Rooted tree