Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a rooted tree


  1. Path in Graph
  2. Edge relaxations
  3. Rooted tree
  4. Acyclic predecessor graph is union of rooted trees

Let $G$ be a weighted graph where no negative-weight cycles are reachable from $s \in V$. Let $G_π = (V_π, E_π)$ be the predecessor subgraph of $G$ with source $s$ obtained via relaxations. Then $G_π$ is a tree rooted at $s$.


$G_π$ is acyclic. See CLRS lemma 24.16, Section 24.5, page 674, third edition for a proof.

Since $G_π$ is an acyclic predecessor graph, it is a union of rooted trees.

Since roots of these trees have in-degree 0, and $s$ is the only element in $V_π$ with in-degree 0 (the others have in-degree 1), only $s$ can be a root. Therefore, $G_π$ is a rooted tree.

Dependency for:

  1. Edge relaxations: Predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree after convergence


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
  2. /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
  3. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
  4. Graph
  5. Transpose of a graph
  6. Path in Graph
  7. Triangle inequality of shortest paths
  8. Edge relaxations
  9. Rooted tree
  10. Acyclic predecessor graph is union of rooted trees