Matroid: weighted rank is submodular


  1. Matroid
  2. Matroid: weight function
  3. Submodular function
  4. Matroid: restricted rank is submodular
  5. Matroid: greedy algorithm
  6. Sum of submodular functions is submodular

Let $M = (S, I)$ be a matroid. Let $w$ be a weight function over $M$.

Let $g(X)$ be the max-weight basis of $X$. Let $f(X) = w(g(X))$. Then $f$ is submodular.


Let $S = \{s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_m\}$ and $S_i = \{s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_i\}$. Let $X = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\}$ and $X_i = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_i\}$. Without loss of generality, assume that $i < j \implies (w(x_i) \ge w(x_j) \wedge w(s_i) \ge s(s_j))$.

For $Y \in S$, let $r_i(Y) = r(Y \cap S_i)$. Therefore, $r_i$ is the $S_i$-restricted rank of $Y$. Therefore, $r_i$ is submodular.

The greedy algorithm for max-weight basis operates in a streaming fashion and maintains the max-weight basis of the elements seen so far. The algorithm adds the element $x_i$ iff adding it doesn't make the answer dependent. Therefore, the algorithm includes $x_i$ in $g(X_i)$ iff $g(X_{i-1}) + x_i \in I$.

If $g(X_i) = g(X_{i-1}) + x_i$, then $r(X_i) = r(X_{i-1}) + 1$. Otherwise, $r(X_i) = r(X_{i-1})$. Therefore, \[ g(X_i) = g(X_{i-1}) + \begin{cases} x_i & \textrm{ if } r(X_i) - r(X_{i-1}) = 1 \\ \{\} & \textrm{ if } r(X_i) - r(X_{i-1}) = 0 \end{cases} \] Therefore, $f(X_i) = f(X_{i-1}) + w(x_i)(r(X_i) - r(X_{i-1}))$.

Let $x_j = s_{i_j}$. Then $\forall j, i_j \le i_{j+1}$ and $X_j = X \cap S_{i_j}$. Let $i_0 = 0$ and $i_{n+1} = m+1$ and $w(s_{m+1}) = w(x_{n+1}) = 0$.

When $i_j < k < i_{j+1}$, $r_k(X) = r(X \cap S_k) = r(X_j)$ and $r_{k-1}(X) = r(X \cap S_{k-1}) = r(X_j)$. Therefore, $r_k(X) - r_{k-1}(X) = 0$.

\begin{align} & \sum_{i=1}^m (w(s_i) - w(s_{i+1}))r_i(X) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^m w(s_i)(r_i(X) - r_{i-1}(X)) \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{i_1-1} w(s_k)(r_k(X) - r_{k-1}(X)) + \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{k=i_j}^{i_{j+1}-1} w(s_k)(r_k(X) - r_{k-1}(X)) \\ &= 0 + \sum_{j=1}^n w(s_{i_j})(r_{i_j}(X) - r_{i_j-1}(X)) \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n w(x_j)(r(X_j) - r(X_{j-1})) \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n f(X_j) - f(X_{j-1}) \\ &= f(X) \end{align}

Therefore, $f(X)$ is a positive linear combination of $r_1(X), r_2(X), \ldots, r_m(X)$. Since each $r_i$ is submodular, $f$ is also submodular.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/countable-set
  2. σ-algebra
  3. Matroid
  4. Matroid: weight function
  5. Matroid: rank
  6. Matroid: basis
  7. Matroid: basis iff size is rank
  8. Matroid: greedy algorithm
  9. Matroid: expanding to basis
  10. Matroid: basis of set increment
  11. Matroid: rank of set increment
  12. Set function
  13. Submodular function
  14. Matroid: rank is submodular
  15. Matroid: restricted rank is submodular
  16. Sum of submodular functions is submodular