Incremental max-weight basis


  1. Matroid: weight function
  2. Matroid: greedy algorithm
  3. Matroid: unique circuit
  4. Matroid: rank of set increment
  5. Matroid: basis of set increment

Let $M = (S, I)$ be a matroid. Let $X \subset S$ and $e \not\in X$. Let $w$ be a weight function over $M$. Let $B$ be a max-weight basis of $X$.

If $B + e \in I$, then $B + e$ is a max-weight basis of $X + e$.

If $B + e \not\in I$, $B + e$ contains a circuit $C$. Let $\widehat{e}$ be the min-weight element of $C$. Then $g(X+e) = B + e - \widehat{e}$.


$|B + e| = |B| + 1 = r(X) + 1$.

Case 1: $B + e \in I$

If $B + e \in I$, then $B + e$ is a basis of $X + e$, so $r(X+e) = r(X) + 1$. Therefore, $B + e$ is a max-weight basis of $X + e$.

Case 2: $B + e \not\in I$

$B + e \not\in I \implies r(X+e) = r(X)$.

$C$ contains $e$, otherwise $B$ would be dependent.

Order the elements of $X+e$ in descending order of weight. If there are some elements with the same weight, order them arbitrarily. Since $\widehat{e}$ is the min-weight element of $C$, $w(e) \ge w(\widehat{e})$. Let $W$ be the elements of $X$ before $e$ in this order.

The greedy algorithm for computing max-weight basis can be visualized as a streaming algorithm to which we can feed elements one-by-one and it keeps track of the selected elements so far. Create 2 instances of this algorithm, $A_1$ and $A_2$. We intend to feed $X$ to $A_1$ and $X+e$ to $A_2$.

Feed $W$ to both instances. Both of them will select the same set of elements, $P$. Since $W \subseteq X$, $P \subseteq B$.

Now feed $e$ to $A_2$. Suppose $A_2$ doesn't select $e$. It means that $P+e$ contains a circuit $C'$. Since $C' \subseteq P+e \subseteq B+e$ and $B+e$ contains a unique circuit $C$, $C' = C$. Therefore, all other elements of $C$ are in $P$, so $\widehat{e} = e$.

Since $A_2$ didn't select $e$, it will select the same elements as $A_1$ when we feed the remaining elements $X - W$ to both of them. Therefore, both of them select $B$. Since the greedy algorithm selects the max-weight basis, $B$ is a max-weight basis for $X + e$. Since $\widehat{e} = e$, $B + e - \widehat{e}$ is a max-weight basis of $X + e$.

Now suppose $A_2$ selects $e$. Now feed elements of $X - W$ (in decreasing order) one-by-one to both $A_1$ and $A_2$ and pause when they select different elements. They will eventually select different elements, because if they don't, then $A_2$ would select $B+e$, which is not a basis.

If $A_2$ selects an element $x$, then $A_1$ will also select $x$ in the corresponding step. This is because if $A_1$'s selection at some step is $L$, then $A_2$'s selection at that step is $L + e$, and if $L+e+x$ is independent then $L+x$ is also independent.

Let $x$ be the first element which $A_1$ selects but $A_2$ doesn't. Let $A_1$'s selection before this be $Q$. So $Q \subset B$. $Q + e$ is independent but $Q + e + x$ is not. Since, $Q + e + x \subseteq B + e$, $Q + e + x$ contains the circuit $C$ and $x \in C$. Therefore, all elements of $C$ other than $x$ are in $Q + e$. Therefore, $x = \widehat{e}$.

Till now $A_1$ has selected $B_1 = P + Q + \widehat{e}$ and $A_2$ has selected $B_2 = P + e + Q$. Now feed the remaining elements of $X$ to both $A_1$ and $A_2$. Out of these newly fed elements, suppose $A_1$ selects $R_1$ and $A_2$ selects $R_2$. Since the greedy algorithm always returns a basis, $|R_1| = |R_2|$.

$B_2 + \widehat{e} = B_1 + e = P + Q + e + \widehat{e} \supset C \not\in I$. So when we use the exchange axiom to transfer elements from $B_1 + R_1$ to $B_2$, we get $B_2 + R_1$ as the basis. When we use the exchange axiom to transfer elements from $B_2 + R_2$ to $B_1$, we get $B_1 + R_2$ as the basis. Since the greedy algorithm selected $B_1 + R_1$ instead of $B_1 + R_2$, $w(R_1) \ge w(R_2)$. Since the greedy algorithm selected $B_2 + R_2$ instead of $B_2 + R_1$, $w(R_2) \ge w(R_1)$. Therefore, $w(R_1) = w(R_2)$. So $B_2 + R_1 = B + e - \widehat{e}$ is also a max-weight basis.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Matroid
  2. Matroid: weight function
  3. Matroid: circuit
  4. Matroid: rank
  5. Matroid: basis
  6. Matroid: basis iff size is rank
  7. Matroid: greedy algorithm
  8. Matroid: expanding to basis
  9. Matroid: basis of set increment
  10. Matroid: rank of set increment
  11. Matroid: dependent iff has circuit
  12. Matroid: non-disjoint circuits
  13. Matroid: unique circuit