Matroid: dependent iff has circuit


  1. Matroid: circuit

Let $M = (S, I)$ be a matroid. Then $X$ is a dependent set in $M$ iff $X$ contains a circuit $C$.


Suppose $X$ contains a circuit $C$. Since $C \not\in I$, by contrapositive of hereditary property, $X \not\in I$.

Suppose $X$ is dependent but doesn't contain a circuit. Therefore, $X$ is not a circuit. Therefore, if $|X| > 0$, we can remove an element from $X$ to get a smaller dependent set $Y$. $Y$ doesn't have a circuit too because if $Y$ contained a circuit then $X$ would also contain it since $Y \subseteq X$.

Therefore, we can keep repeating this process and after each step we will get a dependent set. But the process will stop when we reach the empty set and the empty set is independent. This is a contradiction. Therefore, if $X$ is dependent, it contains a circuit.

Dependency for:

  1. Matroid: non-disjoint circuits
  2. Matroid: unique circuit


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Matroid
  2. Matroid: circuit