Elementary row operation is matrix pre-multiplication


  1. Field
  2. Every elementary row operation has a unique inverse
  3. Identity matrix
  4. Comparing coefficients of a polynomial with disjoint variables
  5. Inverse of a matrix

Let $A$ be a $m$ by $n$ matrix over a field. Let $f$ be an elementary row operation. Then there exists a unique $m$ by $m$ matrix $R$ such that $f(A) = RA$. $R$ is also invertible.

By plugging in $A = I_m$ (identity matrix), we get $R = f(I_m)$. Therefore, the maxtrix associated with a row operation is the one obtained by applying that operation on the identity matrix.


We will show that there is a unique matrix $R$ which satisfies $f(A) = RA$ for all $A$.

Dependency for:

  1. Row equivalence matrix
  2. Determinant of product is product of determinants


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Group
  2. Ring
  3. Polynomial
  4. Integral Domain
  5. Comparing coefficients of a polynomial with disjoint variables
  6. Field
  7. Semiring
  8. Matrix
  9. Matrix multiplication is associative
  10. Elementary row operation
  11. Every elementary row operation has a unique inverse
  12. Identity matrix
  13. Inverse of a matrix