Kosaraju's Algorithm
Kosaraju's algorithm uses 2 depth first searches to find the strongly connected components of a graph in linear time.
The algorithm
Kosaraju's algorithm on graph $G$:
- DFS-1: Perform DFS on $G$ to find the finish time $\operatorname{f}(v)$ of each vertex $v$.
- Computer $G^T$.
- DFS-2: Perform DFS on $G^T$ where root vertices are considered in order of decreasing finish times $f$ (as computed in DFS-1).
- Output the vertices of each tree in the DFS forest of DFS-2 as an SCC.
(In the following text, unless specified otherwise, start and finish times will always refer to those as per DFS-1.)
Time and space requirements of algorithm
- DFS-1 and DFS-2: $O(|V|+|E|)$ time and $O(|V|)$ auxiliary space.
- Computing $G^T$: $O(|V|+|E|)$ time and $O(\lg |V|)$ auxiliary space.
- Sorting vertices by $f$: $O(|V|)$ time and $O(|V|)$ space, since finish times are evenly distributed between 1 and $2|V|$ so we can use bucket-sort.
We can extend the notion of start time $s$ and finish time $f$ (as per DFS-1) to SCCs: $s(C) = \min_{v \in C} s(v)$ and $f(C) = \max_{v \in C} f(v)$.
Lemma 1
Let $u$ be the first vertex to be discovered in SCC $C$. Then $s(C) = s(u)$ and $f(C) = f(u)$.
Proof of lemma 1
When $u$ is discovered in $C$, all vertices in $C$ are white. By the white-path theorem, all vertices in $C$ will become descendants of $u$ during DFS-1. Therefore, for every vertex $v$, $s(u) < s(v) < f(v) < f(u)$. Therefore, $s(C) = s(u)$ and $f(C) = f(u)$.
Lemma 2
\[ (C, D) \in E^{\textrm{SCC}} \implies f(C) > f(D) \]
Proof of lemma 2
Case 1: $s(D) < s(C)$:
Let $y$ be the first vertex to be discovered in $D$. Therefore, $s(D) = s(y)$ and $f(D) = f(y)$. No vertex in $C$ is reachable from a vertex in $D$, because otherwise $G^{\textrm{SCC}}$ will be cyclic. Therefore,
will finish before visiting any vertices in $C$. Therefore, $f(C) > f(D)$. -
Case 2: $s(C) < s(D)$.
Let $x$ be the first vertex to be discovered in $C$. By the white path theorem, all vertices in $C$ and $D$ will becomes descendants of $x$ during DFS-1. Therefore, $s(C) = s(x)$ and $f(C) = f(x)$ and $s(C) < s(D) < f(D) < f(C)$.
Proof of correctness of Kosaraju's Algorithm
Proof is by induction on the number of trees found in the DFS forest during DFS-2.
Let $u_i$ be the $i^{\textrm{th}}$ root vertex chosen during DFS-2. Let $C_i$ be the SCC which $u_i$ belongs to. Let $T_i$ be the tree rooted at $u_i$ obtained during DFS-2.
$P(n):$ When the $n^{\textrm{th}}$ root vertex is chosen:
- $\forall 1 \le i < n, T_i = C_i$.
- $\forall 1 \le i < n, \forall v \in C_i, \operatorname{color}(v) = \textrm{black}$.
- $\forall i \ge n, \forall v \in C_i, \operatorname{color}(v) = \textrm{white}$.
The base case, where $n = 0$, is trivially true.
Assume that $P(n)$ is true.
There is a path from $u_n$ to every vertex in $C_n$, so by the white path theorem, $C_n \subseteq T_n$.
We will now try to see if there are vertices in SCCs other than $C_n$ which can become part of $T_n$. Let $(u, v)$ be the first edge explored during $\operatorname{visit}(u_n)$ during DFS-2 such that $v \in C_i \neq C_n$. Therefore, $u \in C_n$.
\begin{align} & (u, v) \textrm{ was explored during DFS-2} \\ &\Rightarrow (u, v) \in E^T \\ &\Rightarrow (C_i, C_n) \in E^{SCC} \\ &\Rightarrow f(C_i) > f(C_n) \tag{by lemma 2} \\ &\Rightarrow f(u_i) > f(u_n) \tag{by lemma 1} \\ &\Rightarrow i < n \tag{roots are chosen in decreasing order of $f$} \\ &\Rightarrow v \textrm{ was black when $(u, v)$ was explored} \end{align}
Therefore, DFS-2 only stays within $C_n$ until $\operatorname{visit}(u_n)$ finishes. Therefore, $T_n \subseteq C_n$ and all vertices of $C_1, C_2, \ldots, C_n$ are black when $u_{n+1}$ is chosen. This implies $P(n+1)$.
Therefore, by mathematical induction, $P(n)$ is true for all $n$. Therefore, $C_i = T_i$ for all $i$.
Dependency for: None
- Depth: 6
- Number of transitive dependencies: 12
Transitive dependencies:
- /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
- /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
- /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
- Graph
- Transpose of a graph
- Path in Graph
- Rooted tree
- SCC graph is acyclic
- Forest
- Properties of DFS
- DFS: Parenthesis theorem
- DFS: White-path theorem