DFS: White-path theorem


  1. Properties of DFS
  2. DFS: Parenthesis theorem

Let $G_π$ be the DFS forest of $G$. $v$ is a descendant of $u$ in $G_π$ when DFS terminates iff at the time when visit(u) is called, there is a white path from $u$ to $v$ in $G$. (i.e. a path consisting entirely of white vertices).


Descendant implies white path

\begin{align} & v \textrm{ is a descendant of } u \textrm{ in DFS forest} \\ &\implies \operatorname{visit}(v) \textrm{ was called during visit}(u) \\ &\implies \exists w_0, w_1, \ldots, w_k, \textrm{ such that } (u = w_0 \wedge v = w_k \wedge (\forall 1 \le i < k, \operatorname{visit}(w_i) \textrm{ makes a direct call to visit}(w_{i+1}))) \\ &\implies (u = w_0 \wedge v = w_k \wedge (\forall 1 \le i < k, w_{i+1} \textrm{ is white when visit}(w_i) \textrm{ is called})) \\ &\implies (u = w_0 \wedge v = w_k \wedge (\forall 1 \le i < k, w_{i+1} \textrm{ is white when visit}(u) \textrm{ is called})) \\ &\implies \textrm{ there is a white path from } u \textrm{ to } v \end{align}

White path implies descendant

For any vertex $u$, the vertex $v$ is called a counterexample if $v$ is not a descendant of $u$ in $G_π$ and there was a white path from $u$ to $v$ in $G$ when $\visit(u)$ was called. Suppose a counterexample exists for some vertex $u$. Let $v$ be a counterexample for $u$ with the shortest white path. Then $u \neq v$, so the white path has length ≥ 1.

Let $w$ be the predecessor of $v$ in this white path. Then all vertices in the white path from $u$ to $w$ are descendants of $u$ in $G_π$, otherwise we can find a counterexample with a shorter white path.

Combining the above two facts tells us that $s(v) > f(u)$. Hence, $v$ remains white throughout $\visit(u)$.

$w$ is a descendant of $u$ in $G_π$, so $\visit(w)$ is called during $\visit(u)$. By the parenthesis theorem, $[s(w), f(w)]$ lies in $[s(u), f(u)]$. Since $(w, v) \in G$ and $v$ remains white during $\visit(u)$, $\visit(v)$ will be called during $\visit(w)$. This is a contradiction, since $\visit(v)$ cannot be called during $\visit(u)$.

Dependency for:

  1. Kosaraju's Algorithm
  2. DFS: Edge classification in undirected graphs
  3. Directed graph is cyclic iff DFS gives back edges
  4. DFS on undirected graph gives spanning forest


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
  2. /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
  3. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
  4. Graph
  5. Transpose of a graph
  6. Path in Graph
  7. Rooted tree
  8. Forest
  9. Properties of DFS
  10. DFS: Parenthesis theorem