LCM divides common multiple


  1. Integer Division Theorem

Let $A = \{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n\}$ be $n$ positive integers. Let $x$ be a common multiple of numbers in $A$. Let $l$ be the smallest positive common multiple of all numbers in $A$. Then $l \mid x$.


Suppose $l \not\mid x$. By the integer division theorem, $x = lq + r$, where $0 < r < l$. \[ (a_i \mid x \wedge a_i \mid l) \implies a_i \mid (x - lq) \implies a_i \mid r \] Since all $a_i$ divide $r$, $r$ is a positive common multiple of $A$. Therefore, $l \le r$. This is a contradiction. Therefore, $l \mid x$.

Dependency for:

  1. GCD times LCM equals product


Transitive dependencies:

  1. Integer Division Theorem