DFS: Reverse sorting by finish time gives topological ordering


  1. Topological sort
  2. DFS: Edge classification

Performing DFS on a directed acyclic graph and sorting the vertices in descending order of finish times gives a topological ordering of vertices.


Suppose $G$ has a back edge $(v, u)$. Then $v$ is a descendant of $u$ in the DFS forest $G_π$. Therefore, a cycle from $u$ to $v$ in $G$ can be obtained by going from $u$ to $v$ via tree edges and then going from $v$ to $u$ via $(v, u)$. Since we know that $G$ is acyclic, it cannot have a back edge.

$(u, v)$ is a tree edge or a forward edge
$\implies$ $v$ is a descendant of $u$
$\implies$ visit(v) was called during visit(u)
$\implies f(v) < f(u)$.

Let $(u, v)$ be a cross edge. If $v$ was white when $(u, v)$ was explored, $(u, v)$ would be a tree edge. If $v$ was gray when $(u, v)$ was explored, it would mean that visit(u) was called during visit(v), which would make $u$ a descendant of $v$, which would make $(u, v)$ a back edge. Therefore, $v$ was black when $(u, v)$ was explored. Therefore, visit(v) finished before visit(u). Therefore, $f(v) < f(u)$.

Therefore, $\forall (u, v) \in E, f(v) < f(u)$. Therefore, sorting vertices in descending order of finish times gives a topological ordering of vertices.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
  2. /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
  3. /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
  4. Graph
  5. Transpose of a graph
  6. Topological sort
  7. Path in Graph
  8. Rooted tree
  9. Forest
  10. Properties of DFS
  11. DFS: Edge classification