DFS: Online edge classification
When an edge $(u, v)$ is explored during DFS, it can be classified in constant time as as follows:
- If $v$ is white, it is a tree edge.
- If $v$ is gray, it is a back edge.
- If $v$ is black and $s(u) < s(v)$, it is a forward edge.
- If $v$ is black and $s(v) < s(u)$, it is a cross edge.
If $v$ is white, $π(v)$ will be set to $u$ and visit(v)
will be called.
This will make $(u, v)$ a tree edge.
If $v$ is gray, it means visit(v)
is on the call stack.
Since visit(u)
is the top entry on the call stack when $(u, v)$ is explored,
was called during visit(v)
This means $u$ is a descendant of $v$ in the DFS forest, so $(u, v)$ is a back edge.
If $v$ is black, it means visit(v)
finished before $(u, v)$ was explored.
Therefore, $f(v) < f(u)$.
By the parenthesis theorem, there can be 2 cases:
$[s(v), f(v)]$ and $[s(u), f(u)]$ are disjoint intervals and none of them is a descendant of the other. This means $(u, v)$ is a cross edge. Since $f(v) < f(u)$, this means $s(v) < s(u)$.
$[s(v), f(v)]$ lies in $[s(u), f(u)]$ and $v$ is a descendant of $u$. Therefore, $(u, v)$ is a forward edge. Also, this means $s(u) < s(v)$.
Dependency for:
- Depth: 5
- Number of transitive dependencies: 11
Transitive dependencies:
- /sets-and-relations/equivalence-classes
- /sets-and-relations/relation-composition-is-associative
- /sets-and-relations/equivalence-relation
- Graph
- Transpose of a graph
- Path in Graph
- Rooted tree
- Forest
- Properties of DFS
- DFS: Edge classification
- DFS: Parenthesis theorem