For a fair division instance $(N, M, V, w)$ and allocation $A$,
- the social welfare is $\sum_{i=1}^n w_iv_i(A_i)$. $A$ is called social-welfare-optimal if it maximizes the social welfare.
- the Nash social welfare is $\prod_{i=1}^n v_i(A_i)^{w_i}$. $A$ is called maximum Nash welfare (MNW) or Nash optimal (NO, NashOpt) if it maximizes the Nash social welfare.
- the egalitarian welfare is $\min_{i=1}^n \frac{v_i(A_i)}{w_i}$.
Dependency for: None
- Depth: 4
- Number of transitive dependencies: 4
Transitive dependencies:
- /sets-and-relations/countable-set
- σ-algebra
- Set function
- Fair division