Restricted agents, pairwise fairness, and groupwise fairness


  1. Fair division

Let $(N, M, V, w)$ be a fair division instance. Let $A$ be a (partial) allocation and $F$ be a notion of fairness.

For $S \subseteq N$, we say that $A$ is '$F$-fair restricted to $S$' if the allocation $(A_i)_{i \in S}$ is $F$-fair for the instance $(S, \bigcup_{i \in S} A_i, (v_i)_{i \in S}, (w_i)_{i \in S})$.

Allocation $A$ is said to be pairwise-$F$-fair iff for all $S \subseteq N$ such that $|S| = 2$, it is $F$-fair restricted to $S$.

Allocation $A$ is said to be groupwise-$F$-fair iff for all $S \subseteq N$, it is $F$-fair restricted to $S$.

Dependency for: None


Transitive dependencies:

  1. /sets-and-relations/countable-set
  2. σ-algebra
  3. Set function
  4. Fair division