12 - Digital Signature Schemes
- Definition of a digital signature scheme as the triple (Gen, Sign, Verify).
- euf-cma experiment and security.
- hash-and-sign: definition and proof of security.
- RSA signatures:
- Plain RSA:
- no-message attack
- targeted forgery
- definition
- necessary conditions on H
- proof of security in the random-oracle model
- need for FDH to have large enough range
- Discrete-log signatures:
- Identification schemes:
- Definition
- Non-degeneracy
- Security
- Fiat-Shamir transform:
- definition
- proof of security
- Schnorr identification scheme:
- definition
- proof of security
- * DSA and ECDSA
- * Signatures from Hash-functions:
- Lamport's signature
- Chain-based
- Tree-based
- * Certificates and public-key infrastructures
- * Signcryption